I have to agree with everything you've just uttered.
Absolute dross, I bought it for the missus who likes this sort of thing and she's thoughtful enough not to play it when I'm in earshot.
Bless her little cotton socks.
This isn't the only crappy CD single I've listed today.
My head hurts now, gonna go take a Valium and lie down for a while.
I don't know why I clicked on this... possibly wondering if being able to vote zero is yet possible, but to see the names Stock and Aitken being behind this explains a lot.
Everybody goes on about 1995 as the year of "Britpop" in the same way that people go on about 1967 for "flower power" and all that, yet what sold the most during each of those years? MOR pap like this in 1995 and Engelbert Humperdinck in 1967. These two really angered me as they seemed to be glued to the number one spot for small eternities and every week there they would be gathered round one of those old styled microphones acting all oh so sincere and I'd look at that microphone and imagine the ways I would had liked to have stuffed them in select orifices of Robson and Jerome.