I was at the Glastonbury gig from which these B-sides are lifted. It was, with no exaggeration, mindblowingly good... the only problem was I had travelled over the previous night in the back of an Escort van (bit of a squeeze with six of us in the back), had no sleep (having arrived at 5am with no tickets, then spent an hour or two working out how best to gain access - ah, the good old days...), been unable to get to sleep once the tents were up (as it was broad daylight by then), then partied all through the day and night, and REM played on, and on, and on... by the end of it, brilliant as it was, I was praying they would just stop playing so I could go and get some shut-eye!
If I recall correctly, they dedicated "The One I Love" to Jean Eavis, who had sadly passed away not long before. A kind and quite profound "Glastonbury moment".