Mine Is stickered, that says, "Free Poster Inside". It does have a "Promo Copy Not For Sale" sticker on the back. Found a Big box of them, In a remote Charity. Our Radio station stopped giving these to Charoty, a long time ago. H.
I'm pretty sure this was the CD Single, they tested the new (and never used again) Surround sound feature for Radio 1. I think It was Mark Goodier's Studio. You had to wait up till 11 at night, when He would play the Surround sound Spiderman Tapes each night a different one. I have tried to track down these tapes (6 in all), but looking like they were never commercially released. Anyone remember this?. This was back In the day when every one was getting the Dolby Prologic Surround sound systems for home use. With Their new Hi-Fi VHS players. H.