Comment by Magic Marmalade:
Not Goodfellas, and definitely not The Godfather!
I remember being somewhat underwhelmed at the prospect of this at time of release, and so was never inspired to watch it.
And to be honest, even after the first five minutes, I had a bit of a sinking feeling, as it seemed to channelling a "knock-off Goodfellas" vibe, with a somewhat hammy Al Pacino, seeming like he was way past this kind of thing, and perhaps only signing on to associate himself with the rise in cache of the then fresh, young superstar of Johnny Depp...
...But then...
.....A little bell went off in my head: "Oh, I get it!"
This is intentional in terms of style, as shorn of the kinetic, dynamic (some would say: Glamorous) film-making style of Martin Scorsese, this band of bozos look just like the cheap band of hoods they really are: A bunch of kids who never really grew up, and wanted to play "gangs" - bargain basement Goodfellas - scuzz-oids doing their best impression of mafia men, which makes them all seem a little sad - albeit brutal - to the extent that they even have the expression: "Forget about it!" highly emphasised, and constantly repeating as a wry running joke. The FBI surveillance team even have an actual joke about it in one scene.
And now Pacino's performance makes total sense, as the older "passed over" gangster channelling a kind of Midnight Cowboy's Ratso... a quite pathetic, tragic figure at once trying to ease his way out of this lifestyle, and dreaming a little dream of a life elsewhere, while still, either by habit or compulsion, due to the dangers of stepping out of line, or character, playing the part of gangster in that cartoonish way to keep the younger guys from suspecting him.
And it is this, that is Depp's FBI character tunes in on, as he allows Pacino to take him under his wing, whilst infiltrating this crew, and the broader mob.
Initially Depp himself seems to be doing some kind of Erol Flynn impression, in terms of look, but Pacino gradually knocks him into shape as a wise guy, without realising he is being played by Depp.
And this is what this story is, and what makes it it's own thing, rather than an attempt to imitate Goodfellas, or a cheap Godfather clone... This is about the genuine bond that develops between Pacino and Depp, around issues of trust and betrayal against a constant background of danger.
...And this is what makes this both refreshing in a gangster movie, and well worth watching.
So put Goodfellas and The Godfather out of your mind, in terms of expectation when going in, else you will be disappointed, but taken for what it is, it's really rather great, as you find yourself increasingly entranced in the development of this relationship, and the anticipation how this story will play out.
I would also draw attention to the incredible performance by Anne Heche as Depp's long suffering wife... I don't know what awards she got for this, but it's one of those: Should definitely have gotten an Oscar for best supporting actress performances... And reminds us of the tragedy of the career she could have had based on this.