Comment by Magic Marmalade:
Event horizon... For kids!
... In fact, watching this for the first time after many years, this screams Event Horizon inspiration through and through.
I just remember this scared the crap out of me as a kid...
(In fact, it's amazing how many movies if my formative years did that very thing)
... Very disturbing for a young mind, very... Off, very... Not Disney!
Imagine a hybrid Frankenstein, Dracula, zombie movie set in space, next to a black hole, on board a giant Cadillac/green house/ Victorian gothic mansion/space ship, narratively working it's way towards a William Blake style vision of heaven and hell, and you have to double take to see the Disney name on the label.
The casting is inspired, principally in the choice of Norman bates as slightly creepy idealist scientist, the effects are still hugely impressive, as much now as it was then, as well as the production design, robot design and especially cinematography.
... In fact, it's more than just Event Horizon this has inspired... As you can see this movie has undoubtedly had a huge claim to inventing the sub-gene of sci-fi horror, which many movies of the type have been influenced by.
Still too much for younger kids, and certainly still quite chilling for adults, in site of the limitations of the times, as it has in many respects, aged quite well, if not in others...
... A lovely thing though, that this even exists, testament that even Disney could colour outside it's own lines once in a while.
If only they were still as brave!