Comment by Magic Marmalade:
The best one since the first one!
In pantheon of infamy which is the Predator franchise >gag<...
(I always feel unwell using that word, along with other tummy bugging terms like: "IP" and the like)
...This is way above all the other sequels, and for one clear and obvious reason: They actually had a story to tell, in which the Predator appears, rather than: "Let's make a Predator movie, then tack "a story" on after.
For it's primarily an inspired coming of age tale for a young girl / woman of a Native American tribe who just wants to be a hunter, rather than just a home-maker etc. And so, the whole first 45 mins is about establishing her character, her world, and her relationships to others in the community, with only the brief scenes of Predator arriving and being Predator-y interspersed ere and there until their paths really cross, and she must prove herself, as well as survive.
Great storytelling, beautifully shot in some stunning countryside (Cinematography looks and feels more of the calibre of something like The Revenant crossed with Dances With Wolves than the usual mega CGI / green screen fare we've come to expect.
I rank this alongside the likes of Blade Runner 2049 and others of this rare breed of truly getting a sequel / prequel right.
Truly excellent.
(I'm sorry I was so dismissive of it when it came out... I just thought it was going to be another cruddy movie in the series)