
Cinema - Reviews by Dr Doom

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
21st Sep 2024
Şeytan (1974)
Rated 7/10
An unofficial Turkish remake of The Exorcist.

I expected this to be entertaining but made to the same inept standard as the infamous Turkish Star Wars

The production values are actually much better and it's reasonably acted. The only bit they seem to struggle with is making decent demonic vomit - it looks like plasticine!

Well worth a watch if you're familair with the original

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
12th Apr 2024
Il était Une Fois Le Diable (Devil Story) (1985) (1985)
One of those films that's so bad that it's....AMAZING!

Yup, this one really lives up to it's cult status. The film opens with a Zombie member of the SS growling and butchering motorists but this is no straight ahead Slasher or Zombie movie. Instead it throws up a ghost pirate ship, a Mummy, a mysterious Black Cat which miaows A LOT and it repeatedly cuts to scenes of an old French fella in camouflage failing to shooting a Black horse from close range. He's either the worst shot in France or the horse has magick powers but you will never know as like everything else in the film there's NO EXPLANATION whatsoever.

Very little dialogue, very little narrative and yet this film certainly has....something!

It's also pretty damn gory and it's a mercy the low budget means the gore is more comic book than horrific otherwise the Mummy squeezing the guts out of one poor victim could really haunt you.

The repetition and the feeling that absolutely anything could happen at any point makes it a truly surreal watch.

Get some nice cheese and wine in for a French themed movie night and enjoy your Psychedelic Nightmares!!!!

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
22nd Feb 2023
Lipstick And Blood (1984) (1984)
Rated 2/10
Absolutely dreadful zero-budget thriller without any thrills.

A loner strip club regular (played by Joseph Peters) becomes obsessed with the erotic dancer Jennie (who oddly stays fully clothed for the entire film despite numerous dance routines) until his incel rage grows and he abducts her. They then proceed to roam about to not much purpose until the shock ending which isn't much of a shock at all.

Even at 85 minuttes this film seems overlong with the only enjoyment coming from the obscure synthpop soundtrack by Field Of One.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
2nd Aug 2022
Nazithon: Decadence And Destruction (2013) (2013)
Rated 3/10
Somewhere there's an interesting documentary to be made about the bizarre 70s Naziploitation genre.

This is NOT that documentary, in fact it's barely a documentary at all, merely a collection of trailers introduced by a tattooed stripper.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
21st Jul 2022
Dark Tower (1987) (1987)
Rated 6/10
In general terms this film is a load of rubbish.

BUT time has been kind to it. The 80s synth soundtrack, the wooden performances, the shots of pre-mass tourism Barcelona - It's dum fun.

It's not for everyone but if you are a fan of trash horror then that's certainly what it is. If you are a gorehound however then you might find it a bit tame. There's not a lot of genuine horror and it has a very TV Movie feel.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
13th May 2022
Tales From The Quadead Zone (1987) (1987)
Seems fitting to watch this on Friday 13th

A true cult classic. A no-budget horror film. Terrible acting. Cheap 'special' effects. Lousy script.

BUT... Amazing lo-fi synth soundtrack which makes it all worthwhile.

Interestingly this film features heavily in Adjust Your Tracking as it's one of the most collectable VHS tapes in the USA and they interview the maniac who paid $700 for a copy!

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
18th Apr 2022
Naked Moonshine (1964) (1964)
In 1964 you got your thrills anyway you could.

In this case by watching a short film of three young women pouring bottles of water into a bucket.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
16th Mar 2022
Hell's Bloody Devils (1970) (1970)
Rated 5/10
An enjoyable dogs dinner of a film but only for those of us who love trash cinema.

As a regular film this fails on almost every level. It's troublesome production is all too clear (see notes) and the repetition of a white man in a suit unconvincingly overpowering another white man in a suit becomes as confusing as it is boring.

In true exploitation fashion though enough s**t has been thrown against the wall that there's enough dumb fun to enjoy here. There was also budget enough at some stage to employ Nelson Riddle to provide a cool theme song (not that it really fits then final film!?)

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
13th Nov 2020
Sunstruck (1972) (1972)
Rated 7/10
A Welsh schoolteacher (Harry Secombe) moves to smalltown Australia and tries to train the local kids to become a prize winning choir. A sweet, understated and warm hearted film. It's not a cinema great but it's a pleasantly cosy way to spend a dark Autumn afternoon. Any film that includes someone being called a Drongo and a man crying over his lost beers is alright by me.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
16th Jun 2020
The Demon (1979)
Rated 2/10
The 3.6/10 on imdb is possibly generous. Jaw droppingly terrible stuff.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
1st May 2020
Nothing But The Night (The Resurrection Syndicate) (1973) (1973)
Rated 6/10
I thought this was nearly great. It's hard to say exactly what it's about without giving spoilers but let's just say that it begins like a straight ahead murder mystery thriller and then takes several turns along the way.

Unfortunately, for me, It doesn't quite take those turns fast enough and seems to drag despite the fairly short running time.

Still, It's well worth a watch. It has a great ensemble cast including a very manic and angry Diana Dors.

The film is especially worth seeking out for fans of The Wicker Man. There are obvious similarities between the two and it's interesting that they were both released in 1973 (in the UK) with neither making a huge impression (at the time!)

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
26th Apr 2020
White Cargo (1973)
Rated 2/10
This gets a meagre 3.2/10 on IMBb and I have to agree.

This is one stinker of a film.

Ostensibly it's a sex comedy but in manages to fail on either count and given that Imogen Hassall and David Jason are the two main actors that's quite a non achievement!

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
22nd Mar 2020
Diego Maradona (2019) (2019)
An excellent documentary that I'm sure is of interest even if you hate football. You could describe it as a rise and fall story but there's much more to it than that. What strikes me is how little protection he is given, both physically as a player getting kicked off the pitch and mentally as he is swamped by fans and reporters with no visible PR team to shield him.

Some might argue that Maradona was his own worst enemy but I think that's harsh. He was such an incredibly talented footballer that you can't help thinking what could have been if he'd obeyed the Barcelona hierarchy and curbed his 'lifestyle'. Instead he joined Napoli where he turned an underdog team into league winners but at an incredible cost to himself as the local camorra encouraged his worst off pitch excesses. he eventually left Italy in disgrace, both loved and hated, with not much inbetween.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
28th Feb 2020
Spanish Fly (1976) (1976)
Rated 2/10
Compellingly dreadful

A ludicrous plot involving two ex-public school boys who meet by chance in Menorca and agree upon a rogue's deal involving a thousand cases of aphrodisiac wine.

I know 'things were different' in the seventies but this is at best ridiculous and at worst offensive (The gay photographer Juan is 'cured' upon drinking the wine)

I've always hated the term 'guilty pleasure' but seen as I actually quite enjoyed this stinking turd of a film I think this fits the bill!

hee hee

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
17th Feb 2020
The Killings At Outpost Zeta (1980) (1980)
Rated 4/10
An ultra low budget science fiction film.

It's a competition between the script and the 'special' effects as to which is the clunkiest.

By far the best thing about this film is the drifty Moogy soundtrack.

This film has a certain cult appeal partly due to Electronica artist Boards Of Canada using an image from it for their Twoism EP

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
12th Nov 2019
Live It Up! (1963) (1963)
Not a great film by any means but it's harmless fun to play spot the popstar (Including a very young Mitch Mitchell)

This film is also a must see for anyone who is a fan of Joe Meek with many of the tracks and artists featured being products of his Holloway Road production line.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
8th Oct 2019
William Buys A Parrot (1963) (1963)
To say there isn't much to this VERY short film would be an understatement.

Unless you are a massive fan of William Burroughs or Parrots then there's not much to get excited about.

But seen as the film clocks in at under 2 minutes it's worth watching just to say you have!

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
9th Nov 2018
Anorac (2018) (2018)
Rated 8/10
An excellent snapshot into the Welsh language music scene. Presented as a road movie in which Huw Stephens discovers a bright yellow Anorac in a Cardiff charity shop and then sets off to explore his homeland. The film is made to look as if the journey took 4 days but the film actually took years to make, the yellow anorac providing continuity so you don't notice Huw's changes of footwear and quiff.

It's not a comprehensive history of all Welsh language music, which is probably a good thing otherwise it may have been a dry old Welshcake of a documentary. Instead it focuses on artists making Welsh language music now and mixes it up with the pathfinders who made this possible (Y Blew, Meic Stevens, Datblygu and Anhrefn as examples)

The two main things that both hold the film together and make it a cut above a standard music documentary are 1. Huw Stephens - His love and enthusiam for Wales, the language and the music is obvious, heartfelt and therefore completely infectious and 2. Wales itself - with some beautiful shots of the remote and picturesque far corners of the country. The cinematography is good enought that it even manages to make Cardiff city centre look quite magical !

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
23rd Apr 2018
Naughty! (1974) (1974)
Originally posted by HelBic in the notes section....

I saw this movie with my then girlfriend in the mid 70's and frankly, it was the closest thing to a porno movie you could see without attending a 'specialist' cinema - none of which I knew where to find at the time.

In the 70's it was pretty risque as there was a lot of nudity in it. Now it'd probably be shown on the Disney channel!

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
20th Nov 2017
The Florida Project (2017) (2017)
Rated 8/10
Set in the underbelly of Florida within the shadows of a Disney World that seems more of a fantasy land than ever. This is a story of people doing whatever they need to do to get by, a day at a time.

The film focuses on a group of urchin children who live and play around a seedy motel. The kids are somewhat feral but loveable underneath their foul mouthed bluster. The child actors are excellent and at first the film is as close to a feel good comedy as you can imagine given the poverty involved.

Slowly though, the underlying hardship and desperation comes to the surface and you are left with an uneasy feeling of dread, waiting for something terrible to happen. Without giving too much away it's fair to say that it does and it doesn't and the last quarter of the film is pretty heavy going unless you have no human empathy.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
28th Jul 2017
Not Now Darling (1973) (1973)
Rated 5/10
Wow! They don't make them like this anymore. Although perhaps post-Brexit they will and we can return to this amazing simultaneously kinky and yet utterly repressed England which surely even at 1973 must have seemed unreal?!

I really enjoyed this film, it's dreadful, BUT it's so unashamedly dreadful that if you go with the flow then you can enjoy it. A good cast hamming it up with an unrelentingly cringey script - Beaver (the mammal) and Tit (the bird) jokes feature heavily.

It's basically a carry on film with a mere smidge of nipple.

That's progress! Or was it........

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
8th Jul 2017
Adventures Of A Plumber's Mate (1978) (1978)
Rated 3/10
I've not seen a 'Confessions' film for at least 20 years and having just watched this one I'm finding myself strangely fascinated with just how terrible it was. A young plumber gets into various sexy scrapes in an effort to pay off his gambling debts and avoid the least threatening gangster of all time - Arthur Mullard!

It's hard to imagine this was ever funny or erotic in any way and it certainly isn't now. Some of the scenes of 'slapping birds about' or getting them to get out of bed to make a cup of tea are pretty amazing to watch nowadays. This was 1978!

It'd be hard to argue that this film is anything other than a load of crap which given the subject matter is very apt.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
4th Jul 2017
Decadence And Downfall: The Shah Of Iran's Ultimate Party (2016) (2016)
Rated 7/10
A fascinating documentary concerning the opulent 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire in 1971 with a grand banquet awaiting those invited monarchs and heads of state from around the world. The whole thing was staged in a desert area of Iran with huge amounts of money spent to import trees, plants and even birds in an attempt to make a forest in the desert. As one of the talking heads says 'It was like something out of a James Bond film'

The argument is that the consequences of this overindulgence are still being felt today.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
1st Jul 2017
Locke (2013) (2013)
You may think that a film in which 99% of the scenes are shot inside a car and where the dialogue consists exclusively of phone calls with only one actor shown on screen (Tom Hardy) sounds a bit boring but this film is far from it!

Tom Hardy is excellent (yet again) as a deeply driven and moral man (Ivan Locke) who finds himself in difficult personal circumstances which literally turn his career and family life upside down in the space of a drive between Birmingham and London.

The film is almost unbearably tense with phone calls and problems streaming in from all sides threatening to break the ever dependable construction site manager's 'man of steel' resolve.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
31st Mar 2017
The Nice Guys (2016) (2016)
Rated 6/10
OK, no-one is expecting a documentary here but still I feel the level of frivolity spoils what could have been a very good film. Crowe and Gosling have presence/chemistry and all that jazz but for me the whole thing was just too silly to make it any more than an enjoyable (one time) watch.

I'd really like to have seen a much darker take on the Hollywood Vice/conspiracy subject matter rather than the 'buddy movie' angle they've gone for. It's not a terrible movie by any means but I'm not convinced that in 5 years time anyone will be remembering the reasonably enjoyable 2 hours they spent watching it....

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
15th Feb 2017
Wonderwall (1968) (1968)
Rated 4/10
Very much a product of it's time.

In truth without the George Harrison/Remo Four soundtrack and the breathtakingly beautiful Jane Birkin to feast one's ears and eyes upon there's little in this film to recommend. A paper thin plot, painful dialogue and creaky slapstick mar the enjoyment of shots of 'Swinging London' in it's heyday.

I suspect an in depth 'making of' would be more interesting than the film itself.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
21st Jan 2017
Symptoms (1974) (1974)
Rated 7/10
Beautifully shot and with great acting, especially the unnerving Angela Pleasence who inherited all her father Donald's air of understated menace.

A modern horror fan may find this film a little boring. It's very slow paced but I found the English countryside calm made the shocks all the more shocking. The soundtrack/effects are great too. Nothing like a good old creaky door to add terror to proceedings.

I'm still not convinced so much damage can be done with such a modest knife though. It looks more like it should be used for peeling potatoes!

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
17th Jan 2017
Live By Night (2016) (2016)
Rated 7/10
I knew this film has had pretty luke-warm reviews and is already considered a pretty major flop but it seemed like the least bad option at my local multiplex so I decided to give it a go.

Perhaps I wasn't expecting that much and really this is a 6/10 but I really enjoyed it. It's pretty unbelievable but it has a great cast and the overall look is Art Deco style lush. One big gripe would be that it's replaced the silly 'Hooker with a heart of gold' cliché with 'Gangster with a heart of gold' but hey! It's Hollywood. I was willing to buy into the nonsense and just enjoy the performances and narrative.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
9th Jan 2017
Perché Quelle Strane Gocce Di Sangue Sul Corpo Di Jennifer? (The Case Of The Bloody Iris) (1972) (1972)
Rated 6/10
A fairly minor entry to the Giallo cannon IMHO.

Pretty to look at due to some nice cinematography and the divine Ms. Fenech but the plot is fairly feeble.

A thriller without many real thrills.

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Dr Doom SUBS🍰
2nd Jan 2017
A Touch Of Class (1973) (1973)
Rated 6/10
Glenda Jackson steals the show with a great performance as the sassy English divorcee looking for a 'no ties' affair with an immature American businessman played by George Segal.

Of course these things as rarely that simple and that's certainly the case here. There are some really funny moments in this film but overall I was a bit thrown by the more uncomfortable scenes. It's fair to say that the 'moral compass' is in a permanent spin for this film. I'm not sure if a man rushing across London in a taxi trying to juggle his twin lives of wife and kids vs mistress is really romantic or comedic.

Still just about enjoyable if you can set your mind set to 1973 when it was OK to make rape jokes and laugh at Spanish hotel staff.


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