sladesounds 3rd May 2016 | | CinemaStandoff (2016) (2016) | Rated 6/10Fairly predictable (and flawed) plot revolving around a troubled individual who gains some personal redemption by protecting a young girl from an assassin.
First movie I have seen Thomas Jane in a leading role and he plays the character well. Fishburne is the bad guy, very dark, moody and convincing.
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sladesounds 18th Feb 2016 | | CinemaDogtown And Z-Boys (2001) (2001) | [YouTube Video]
sladesounds 22nd Dec 2015 | | CinemaThey're A Weird Mob (1966) (1966) | Rated 8/10This is an enjoyable comedy of Australian life in the 1960s seen through the eyes of a hard working Italian immigrant. There are lots of reference to Aussie lingo and the problems he encounters assimilating himself into the culture of his new home. As pointed out by other web reviews the movie can at times seem like a propaganda movie with Australia being shown as the land of opportunity, jobs galore and a place where everyone who is willing to work hard will succeed no matter what their background is. The movie is in some respects a little dated but taken as to what it really is (a well filmed 1960s comedy) it's worth watching.
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sladesounds 22nd Dec 2015 | | CinemaSafe Haven (2013) (2013) | Rated 7/10Written off by some reviewers as a simple love story, my personal view is that the film offers a little more than that. Ok it is a fairly predictable plot that has, as expected, a little twist at the end but it achieves what it sets out to do, namely entertain me with a little suspense, a little romance and some stunning locations (it was filmed around Southport, South Carolina).
3 people found this review helpful. ✔︎ Helpful Review?
sladesounds 14th Aug 2015 | | CinemaGet Hard (2015) (2015) | Rated 7/10Not a bad money. Predictable story line & predictable acting from Will Ferrell but nevertheless funny and lots of belly laughs without the normal gross out scenes that some American comedy insists in having. Lots of stereotypical roles, greedy bankers, black gangbangers, white supreme power gangs and Mexican immigrants working in rich peoples home but the butt of the jokes is Will's role as the rich WASP.
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sladesounds 14th Aug 2015 | | CinemaGet Hard (2015) (2015) | [YouTube Video]
sladesounds 13th Jul 2015 | | CinemaCoraline (2009) (2009) | [YouTube Video]
sladesounds 13th Jul 2015 | | CinemaEvery Secret Thing (2015) (2015) | [YouTube Video]
sladesounds 13th Jul 2015 | | CinemaLove & Mercy (2014) (2014) | [YouTube Video]
sladesounds 10th Jul 2015 | | CinemaMary Poppins (1964) (1964) | For me the best is...
It's a jolly holiday with Mary
Mary makes your heart so light....
starts around 1:10 on the clip
[YouTube Video]
sladesounds 23rd Jun 2015 | | CinemaSweet Toronto (1971) (1971) | [YouTube Video]
sladesounds 7th May 2015 | | CinemaInherent Vice (2014) (2014) | Rated 1/10A wasted evening. After all the hype I expected a movie with an all star cast that would at least entertain a little or keep me slightly interested, this movie failed on all accounts.
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