Magic Marmalade 6th Jan 2022
| | Rated 8/10Top class horror movie.
In the pantheon of horror movies, this is one of those that's really out of the top drawer.
....Not in the range of schlock, or unrelenting gore, but would sit on the end of that shelf next to the likes of The Shining, Rosemary's Baby, and The Wicker Man (original), in that it understands what horror is, and how to deliver it.
It works by using a very clean, sharp visual style of a Kubric like settled framing and camera movement, with heightened, or slightly "off" images within them, which combined with a minimalist, ominous, rumbling, and evil feeling score, creates an deeply uneasy, unsettling atmosphere, while it centres it's story around a family, recently moved into the dead grandmother's house, and who's growing presence begins to pick away at, and erode an already tense family dynamic.
Something is very wrong here, you feel, and it just keeps getting wrong-er!
This is punctuated by some actual, genuinely horrific events, and at least one or two moments when I even winced and involuntarily looked away from the screen... but even these are made more horrible by the matter of fact manner in which they happen... no dramatic score to signal danger or make much of what's on screen.
The other, central aspect of this movie, that makes it even more disturbing, is the (initially) randomness of these events, which leave you bewildered and lost as they happen, and this is the master stroke, because as the normal, by degrees, becomes the insane, by means of this, you don't realise any conscious progression while it's happening, only at the end, when the real story reveals itself in a complete mind meltingly surreal, and "other" manner, do you begin to put the pieces of the what went before together, and see the story that was being told all along.
So not knowing what the hell is going on while it's happening is what burns these events and images into your mind, and the ending, is what causes you to walk around for some time afterward with it in your mind, replaying it, and putting it all together.
In the immediate aftermath of having watched it, I'm not sure if it was something I wanted in my head for a day or so, but later, this gave way to the realisation and appreciation of what a minor masterpiece this actually is, both in it's construction, and execution.
Brilliant acting, great film-making, and very disturbing!
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