Classical Vinyl Album6 Daentze Aus Terpsichore Musarum Aoniarum Quinta | 01 | Collegium Terpsichore | 1. Entrée - Courante CLXXXIII/CXVII | Michael Praetorius | Rate | 02 | Collegium Terpsichore | 2. Gavotte I, 1-3, 6 | Michael Praetorius | Rate | 03 | Collegium Terpsichore | 3. Spagnoletta XXVIII | Michael Praetorius | Rate | 04 | Collegium Terpsichore | 4. La Bouree XXXII, 1/2 | Michael Praetorius | Rate | 05 | Collegium Terpsichore | 5. Ballet CCLXVIII | Michael Praetorius | Rate | 06 | Collegium Terpsichore | 6. Volte CCI/CCX | Michael Praetorius | Rate | Daentze und Galliarden aus Musikalischer Tugendspiegel | 07 | Collegium Terpsichore | 1. Sophia (Nr. 13) - Anna (Nr. 4) | Erasmus Widmann | Rate | 08 | Collegium Terpsichore | 2. Clara (Nr. 16) | Erasmus Widmann | Rate | 09 | Collegium Terpsichore | 3. Magdalena (Nr. 3) | Erasmus Widmann | Rate | 10 | Collegium Terpsichore | 4. Agatha (Nr. 15) | Erasmus Widmann | Rate | 11 | Collegium Terpsichore | 5. Regina (Nr. 12) | Erasmus Widmann | Rate | 3 Suiten Aus Banchetto Musicale: Suite Nr. 4 In D | 12 | Collegium Terpsichore | Pavane | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 13 | Collegium Terpsichore | Galliarde | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 14 | Collegium Terpsichore | Courante | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 15 | Collegium Terpsichore | Allemande - Tripla | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | Suite Nr. 5 In G | 16 | Collegium Terpsichore | Pavane | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 17 | Collegium Terpsichore | Galliarde | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 18 | Collegium Terpsichore | Courante | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 19 | Collegium Terpsichore | Allemande - Tripla | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | Suite Nr. 3 In A | 20 | Collegium Terpsichore | Pavane | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 21 | Collegium Terpsichore | Galliarde | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 22 | Collegium Terpsichore | Courante | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | 23 | Collegium Terpsichore | Allemande - Tripla | Johann Hermann Schein | Rate | NotesRecording Bielefeld, Oetkerhalle, January 6-9, 1960. Images![](//images.45worlds.com/s/cm/collegium-terpsichore-198-166-cm-s.jpg) ![](//images.45worlds.com/s/cm/collegium-terpsichore-tanzmusik-der-praetoriuszeit-2-cm-s.jpg) ![](//images.45worlds.com/s/cm/collegium-terpsichore-archiv-produktion-cm-s.jpg) Comments and ReviewsAdd a Comment or Review about this item See Also Classical ItemRegensburger Domchor, Theobald Schrems - Missa Papae Marcelli, 8 Motetten - Archiv Produktion - Germany Next on Label Classical ItemChor Der Mönche Der Benediktiner-Erzabtei St. Martin, Beuron, Pater Dr. Maurus Pfaff - Prima Missa In Nativitate Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (Erste Weihnachtsmesse • First Mass For Christmas Day • Première Messe De Noël) (Gregorianik) - Archiv Produktion - Previous on Label This Item: Price Guide :
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