Title Given As: "Elisabeth Schwarzkopf In Songs You Love" on Front Cover And Spine, But Just As: "Songs You Love" (No "In", in The Title) On Back Cover And Labels.
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf .... Soprano
Gerald Moore ................... Piano.
Number:1221705 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:Magic Marmalade Description: Elisabeth Shwarzkopf - (In) Songs You Love - Front Cover
Number:1221706 Uploaded By:Magic Marmalade Description: Elisabeth Shwarzkopf - (In) Songs You Love - Back Cover
Number:1221707 Uploaded By:Magic Marmalade Description: Elisabeth Shwarzkopf - (In) Songs You Love - Label - Side 1 (Third Columbia Label)
Number:1221708 Uploaded By:Magic Marmalade Description: Elisabeth Shwarzkopf - (In) Songs You Love - Label - Side 2 (Third Columbia Label)
The labels I have uploaded for this are the third variety, which would follow the original Powder Blue/Turquoise - Sliver Rimmed ones (ED 1 - Following the Equivalent Decca Label Sequence Scheme Names), and then the Red labels with semi-circular shaded area with Columbia "Magic Notes" Logo (ED 2), and then these.
This "boxing" of the logos on EMI labels took place around 1968-69 across all their labels.
The vinyl here is still very impressive, and is marginally thicker than the equivalent His Master's Voice (ASD) label vinyls of the same time (See the John Ogdon I entered for comparison).
In my experience, I find all kinds of Red label His Master's Voice albums around all the time, though most are the later "Postage Stamp" ones (Usually the black and white logo ones)... but Columbia stereos like this (SAX prefix) are a very difficult thing to locate on any variety of label, from the blue-silver, or even any variety of the red ones...
...Which is a shame, as Columbia are still the top of the tree for me, as regards having all their ducks in a row, with respect to having the best artists, best recordings, best pressed, and best presented.
Grab any Columbia SAX you see, and do not quibble over the label variety! :)