Magic Marmalade 29th Apr 2018
| | ReviewAn Absolute Sound!
....Even if you don't like classical music, you must give one of these Columbia SAX discs a go... If you see one, buy it, and try it!
This is simply breathtaking.
Among the many pleasures, and true joys that record collecting gives me, along with finding a sleeve for an EP I have, or a record for a sleeve, or finding an item that I'd set myself a task in finding - a Target CD, SACD, First Press etc. Is the absolute thrill of fining a Columbia record, and then turning it over and seeing those three magic letters: SAX...
... Whether it has the first press blue and silver labels, or a later red label, they are the best you can buy in my opinion. More even than Decca, who, while give you absolute vinyl neutrality (they just get out of the way, and let the incredibly well recorded music do the talking), or HMV, there truly is something about these Columbias that rocks my world! :)
They make even an average, inexpensive stereo system like mine sound like it's worth 10-20 thousand pounds more than it actually is!
By what strange alchemy they achieved this I do not know, but close your eyes, and it's not just like having the orchestra in the room with you, but the whole room itself seems to disappear... there isn't even an orchestra, there is only music, everywhere. They seem to kick your windows and walls away, and depth, space, detail, separation of each instrument is absolute... like Godzilla stepping lightly in ballet shoes, the sound towers over you like some ultra powerful monster that can, if it needs to, go almost ninja like as it creeps up and whispers softly in your ear, and nothing in the sound impedes anything else in the slightest.
And in in particular, find one of a full symphony - especially a brilliant one like this, and it will blow you away.
Timpani rolls across the sky toward you like thunder - shaking your windows (if you still had windows!), while strings menace the middle distance, rising up, and threatening to come crashing down on you like a massive wave, and silky solos and brass like trumpets of Jericho (I'm pushing the pretentious as hard as I can here folks - I hope you appreciate this effort! :) conspire to devastate the listener.
Once you've heard one of these, every other record you listen to form that moment on will sound like two tin cans on a bit of string.
(I might be wrong, but didn't popsters Strawberry Switchblade pinch the motif from the third movement of this for their song: Since Yesterday?)
So if you see a stray Columbia SAX of any label in a record bin going cheap... just buy it!
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