Added cover scans... front cover is a little wobbly still, I had to take the lid off the scanner so it would not press so hard in the middle and create a different colour depth from the edges just to get this image.
As you can tell, I had a good Decca day the other day!
The good thing about these classical discs is that people tended to take very good care of them over time, and while I hesitate to use a word like "mint" in polite conversation, when you find them, you can usually find them in stunning condition... and often-times and ED 1!
Someone with proper knowledge of such things will have to verify my notes as regards the exact distinctions of each label edition (not sure if I've got my EDs on right!).
October 1965 per Decca's 1974 catalogue. Three other Ansermet/OSR albums were released at the same time: Berlioz (SXL 6165), Mendelssohn (SXL 6166) and Debussy (SXL 6167).