Classical CD AlbumLiebeslieder Polkas (S. 2/4) For Mixed Chorus And Piano Five Hands | 01 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | To His Coy Mistress | P.D.Q. Bach, Andrew Marvell | Rate | 02 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | To The Virgins, To Make Much Of Time | P.D.Q. Bach, Robert Herrick | Rate | 03 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | The Passionate Shepherd To His Love | P.D.Q. Bach, Christopher Marlowe | Rate | 04 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | Why So Pale And Wan, Fond Lover? | P.D.Q. Bach, Sir John Suckling | Rate | 05 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | It Was A Lover And His Lass | P.D.Q. Bach, William Shakespeare | Rate | 06 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | The Constant Lover | P.D.Q. Bach, Sir John Suckling | Rate | 07 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | Song To Celia | P.D.Q. Bach, Ben Johnson | Rate | 08 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | Interlude | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 09 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | Farewell, Ungrateful Traitor | P.D.Q. Bach, John Dryden | Rate | 10 | The Swarthmore College Chorus, Peter Gram Swing, David Oei, Anne Epperson, Prof. Schickele | Who Is Silvia? | P.D.Q. Bach, William Shakespeare | Rate | Twelve Quite Heavenly Songs (Arie Proprio Zodicale, S. 16) | 11 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Gemini ("Now Diddle Had A Twin") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 12 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Cancer ("Henry The Crab") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 13 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Leo ("Now Leo The Lion") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 14 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Virgo ("Virginia, Fairest Virginia") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 15 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Libra ("Scales Are Very Handy") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 16 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Scorpio ("When The Lord Was Handing Weapons Out") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 17 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Sagittarius ("Come All Ye Lads And Lasses") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 18 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Capricorn ("When William The Conqueror Was A Child") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 19 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Aquarius ("Water Bearer") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 20 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Pisces ("O Holy Mackerel") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 21 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Aries ("Once There Was A Sheep") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | 22 | John Ferrante, Prof. Schickele, David Oei | Taurus ("Can You Lend Me Twenty Quid?") | P.D.Q. Bach | Rate | NotesProduced by Seymour Solomon, Peter Schickele, William Crawford and (write your name in here) ImagesComments and ReviewsAdd a Comment or Review about this item See Also Classical ItemJohn Nelson - The Stoned Guest - Vanguard - USA Next on Label Classical ItemEugene List, Utah Symphony, Maurice Abravanel - The World Of Louis Moreau Gottschalk - Vanguard - USA Previous on Label This Item: Price Guide :
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