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Title:The Sound Of Music
Publisher:  20th Century Fox
Date:10 Mar 2015
Region Code:Multi-region
Genre:Musical & Theatre
Collection:  I Own It     I Want It 
Community: 1 Owns, 1 Wants
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50th Anniversary 5-Disc Edition

The Sound Of Music
DirectorRobert Wise
WriterHoward Lindsay
 Russel Crouse
Selected CastJulie Andrews as Maria
 Christopher Plummer as Captain Georg Von Trapp
(Information from Cinema World)


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Comments and Reviews
KingEdward SUBS
31st Aug 2020
 Disc 3 (Blu-ray) (The Sound of a City - Julie Andrews Returns to Salzburg)
The Sound of a City: Julie Andrews Returns to Salzburg
Play All - 49:47
Welcome to Salzburg - 02:32
From Broadway to Salzburg - 01:33
Mirabell Gardens - 02:22
Nonnberg Abbey - 04:41
Winkler Terrace - 00:26
Frohnburg - 02:17
The Real von Trapps - 00:57
Leopoldskron / The Venetian Room - 03:05
Conversation by the Lake - 03:35
Salzburg Marionette Theatre - 06:44
Touring Salzburg - 01:06
The Gazebo - 03:50
Mondsee - 03:25
Meeting Maria - 00:43
Hotel Sacher / Julie Looks Back - 11:24
Final Thoughts - 02:18
Disc 4 (DVD) (Feature Film & Special Features)
Feature Film - 02:54:31

The Sound of Music Tour - A Living Story - 02:44
Play Film with Sing-Along - 02:54:31
Music Machine
With Sing-Along [On/Off]
Play All - 57:58
The Sound of Music - 02:20
Preludium: Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110), Morning Hymn (Rex Admirabilis) and Alleluia - 01:58
Maria - 03:42
I Have Confidence - 04:07
Sixteen Going on Seventeen - 04:57
My Favorite Things - 02:34
My Favorite Things Conclusion - 01:00
Salzburg Montage (Sing-along Unavailable) - 01:52
Do-Re-Mi - 05:56
The Sounf of Music Reprise - 02:14
The Lonely Goatherd - 03:11
Edelweiss - 02:15
So Long, Farewell - 03:00
The Sound of Music Reprise - 00:54
Climb Ev'ry Mountain - 02:25
My Favorite Things Reprise - 01:12
Something Good - 03:20
Processional (Sing-along Unavailable) - 01:49
Maria Reprise - 01:47
Sixteen Going on Seventeen Reprise - 01:41
Do-Re-Mi Reprise - 00:56
Edelweiss Reprise - 02:03
So Long, Farewell Reprise - 01:49
Climb Ev'ry Mountain Reprise - 01:13
Disc 5 (CD - 50th Anniversary Soundtrack)
1. Prelude And The Sound Of Music - 2:41
2. Overture / Praeludium / Dixit Dominus - 3:16
3. Morning Hymn / Alleluia - 2:04
4. Maria - 3:17
5. I Have Confidence - 3:28
6 . Sixteen Going On Seventeen - 3:17
7. My Favorite Things - 2:20
8. Climb Ev'ry Mountain - 2:18
9. The Lonely Goatherd - 3:12
10. The Sound Of Music - 2:12
11. Do-Re-Mi - 5:34
12. Something Good - 3:20
13. Processional And Maria (The Wedding) - 2:28
14. Edelweiss (Reprise) - 1:51
15. So Long, Farewell - 2:56
16. Climb Ev'ry Mountain (Reprise) - 1:23
17. Le Berger Solitaire (The Lonely Goatherd) - 3:11
18. Le Cose Che Piacciono A Me (My Favorite Things) - 2:19
19. Ich Hab Selbstvertraum Zu Mir (I Have Confidence) - 3:30
20. El Dulce Cantar Del Monte (Reprise) (The Sound Of Music) - 2:13
21. Non Baciarmi Ancora (Something Good) - 3:17
22. Do-Re-Mi (French Version) - 5:34
23. Edelweiss (German Version) - 1:52
24. Sube Al Monte (Climb Ev'ry Mountain) - 1:21

KingEdward SUBS
31st Aug 2020
 Disc 2 (Blu-ray) (Additional Special Features)

Musical Stages
- Foyer Grand Entrance
Maria In The 21st Century - 06:52
Restoring A Classic: Bloom And Grow Forever - 05:44
Edelweiss - 02:28
I Have Confidence - 03:09
My Favorite Things - 02:47
Sixteen Going On Seventeen - 02:20
After The Escape - 08:43
R&H: Partnership At It's Peak - 03:43
- Foyer-East Wall
Shaping The Story - 04:50
The Von Trapps Today - 05:48
Climb Ev'ry Mountain - 02:07
Stage Vs. Screen - 03:12
Maria - 03:03
The Sound Of Music - 02:32
Maria And The Musical - 05:06
Cutting Room Floor - 02:50
- Foyer-West Wall
Something Good - 02:17
The Lonely Goatherd - 02:30
Do-Re-Mi - 03:31
So Long, Farewell - 01:11
A Generous Heart - 03:54
Final Dream: Oscar Hammerstein Remembered - 05:51
Stories From Broadway - 04:19
Restoring A Classic: A Glorious Sound - 05:31
A City of Song
1 - Eastern View
- Mozartsteg
Bridge To The Past - 01:19
Fascinating Facts
- Von Trapp Villa
A Place Of Harmony - 00:43
Fascinating Facts
- Nonnberg
Maria's Abbey -02:42
Fascinating Facts
- St. Peter's Cemetery
Safe Haven - 01:33
Fascinating Facts
- Leopoldskron
Story Of A Lake - 01:49
Fascinating Facts
- Rock Riding School
Staging A Festival - 02:23
Fascinating Facts
2 - Northwestern View
- Siegmundplatz
The Horse Pond - 01:26
Fascinating Facts
- Winkler Terrace
The Ultimate View - 01:29
Fascinating Facts
- Residenzplatz
Scenes Of Joy And Sorrow - 02:23
Fascinating Facts
- Salzburg Marionette Theater
Pulling Strings - 02:54
Fascinating Facts
- Mirabell Gardens
Do-Re-Mi-Rabell - 02:10
Fascinating Facts
- The Sound Of Music Tour
A Living Story - 02:40
Fascinating Facts
3 - Northern View
- Rossfeld
A Dangerous Escape - 01:02
Fascinating Facts
- Werfen
Planning A Picnic - 01:39
Fascinating Facts
- Gazebo
A New Home At Hellbrunn - 01:48
Fascinating Facts
- Frohnburg
A Facade Fit For Hollywood - 01:36
Fascinating Facts
- Mondsee Cathedral
A Marriage Of Fact And Fiction - 02:27
Fascinating Facts
- Mellweg
Maria's Mountain - 02:26
Fascinating Facts
Vintage Programs
Vintage Programs: The Sound of Music
The Sound of Music: From Fact to Phenomenon - 01:27:22
My Favorite Things: Julie Andrews Remembers - 01:03:18
Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer: A Reminiscence - 19:24
From Liesl to Gretl - 33:33
Salzburg Sight and Sound - 13:04
On Location with The Sound of Music - 22:33
When You Know the Notes to Sing: A Sing-along Phenomenon - 12:50
Vintage Programs: Rodgers and Hammerstein
Rodgers and Hammerstein: The Sound of American Music, 1985
Play All - 01:23:25
Part 1: Oklahoma and Carousel - 23:45
Part 2: South Pacific - 20:09
Part 3: Flower Drum Song and The King and I - 20:05
Part 4: The Sound of Music - 19:24
Rodgers and Hammerstein: The Sound of Movies, 1996 - 01:36:36
Audio Interviews
Location Interviews
Play All
Julie Andrews - 11:49
Christopher Plummer - 05:15
Peggy Wood - 06:34
Reissue Interview with Julie Andrews and Robert Wise, 1973 - 07:46
A Telegram from Daniel Truhitte - 13:02
Ernest Lehman: Master Storyteller - 34:56
Rare Treasures
Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall: The Pratt Family Singers - 06:41
The Julie Andrews Hour: Julie Andrews and Maria von Trapp - 16:33
Screen Tests
Play All - 26:13
Hollywood Screen Tests - 16:12
Mia Farrow - 00:39
Marni Nixon Foreign Dubbing Test - 09:29
40th Anniversary DVD Introduction by Julie Andrews - 02:10
What Will My Future Be? (Pre-Production)
Facing Adventure (Production)
A Grand and Glorious Party (Promotion and Publicity)
Fox Movietone News Academy Awards - 02:46
Trailers and Teasers
Play All
Teaser Preview, December 1964 - 01:28
General Release Preview, February 1965 - 04:00
Academy Awards Preview, April 1966 - 04:24
First Anniversary Preview, May 1966 - 00:59
Reissue Preview, December 1972 - 04:01
Reissue Preview, December 1972 with alternate audio track - 04:01
Testimonial Trailer - 02:22
TV Spots
Play All - 01:23
60 second Reissue TV Spot, March 1973 - 00:52
30 second Reissue TV Spot, March 1973 - 00:30
Radio Spots
Play All
60 second Reserve Seat Engagement - 01:00
60 second 1973 Reissue - 01:00
30 second Reserve Seat Engagement - 00:30
30 second 1973 Reissue - 00:32

KingEdward SUBS
31st Aug 2020
 Disc 1 (Blu-ray)
Feature Film - 02:54:41

Your Favorite Things: An Interactive Celebration - 02:54:41
Making Music: A Journey In Images
The Sing-Along Experience
Many a Thing To Know
Where Was it Filmed?
Music Machine
Play All - 58:02
The Sound of Music - 02:19
Preludium: Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110), Morning Hymn (Rex Admiralibus) and Alleluia - 01:57
Maria - 03:41
I Have Confidence - 04:07
Sixteen Going on Seventeen - 04:56
My Favorite Things - 02:35
My Favorite Things Conclusion - 00:59
Salzburg Montage - 01:51
Do-Re-Mi - 05:56
The Sound of Music Reprise - 02:13
The Lonely Goatherd - 03:10
Edelweiss - 02:14
So Long, Farewell - 02:59
The Sound of Music Reprise - 00:53
Climb Ev'ry Mountain - 02:25
My Favorite Things Reprise - 01:11
Something Good - 03:19
Processional - 01:48
Maria Reprise - 01:41
Sixteen Going on Seventeen Reprise - 01:40
Do-Re-Mi Reprise - 00:55
Edelweiss Reprise - 02:02
So Long, Farewell Reprise - 01:48
Climb Ev'ry Mountain Reprise - 01:12
Play All - 58:02
The Sound of Music - 02:19
Preludium: Dixit Dominus (Psalm 110), Morning Hymn (Rex Admiralibus) and Alleluia - 01:57
Maria - 03:41
I Have Confidence - 04:07
Sixteen Going on Seventeen - 04:56
My Favorite Things - 02:35
My Favorite Things Conclusion - 00:59
Salzburg Montage - 01:51
Do-Re-Mi - 05:56
The Sound of Music Reprise - 02:13
The Lonely Goatherd - 03:10
Edelweiss - 02:14
So Long, Farewell - 02:59
The Sound of Music Reprise - 00:53
Climb Ev'ry Mountain - 02:25
My Favorite Things Reprise - 01:11
Something Good - 03:19
Processional - 01:48
Maria Reprise - 01:41
Sixteen Going on Seventeen Reprise - 01:40
Do-Re-Mi Reprise - 00:55
Edelweiss Reprise - 02:02
So Long, Farewell Reprise - 01:48
Climb Ev'ry Mountain Reprise - 01:12
Commentary by Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Charmian Carr, Dee Dee Wood & Johannes von Trapp
Commentary by Robert Wise
Live Extras

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See Also

The Sound Of Music - 20th Century Fox - UK (2010)
Previous by Title
The Day Mars Invaded Earth - 20th Century Fox - USA (2015)
Next by Publisher
Birdman · The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance - 20th Century Fox - USA (2015)
Previous by Publisher

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