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Blu-ray Box Set

Title:100 Years Of Olympic Films: 1912-2012
More Titles:The Melbourne Rendez-vous, Rendez-vous À Melbourne, Alain Mimoun, White Rock, The Horse In Focus, Hästen I Centrum, Snows Of Grenoble, Les Neiges De Grenoble, Olympic Games: 1956 [1956], Lillehammer '94: 16 Days Of Glory, O Sport, You Are Peace!, О спорт, ты - мир!, 13 Days In France, 13 Jours En France, Games Of The XXI Olympiad, Jeux De La XXIème Olympiade, Calgary '88: 16 Days Of Glory, Olympic Spirit, The Grand Olympics, La Grande Olimpiade, IX Olympic Winter Games, Innsbruck 1964, IX. Olympische Winterspiele Innsbruck 1964, People, Hopes, Medals, Menschen, Hoffnungen, Medaillen, Sensation Of The Century, 世紀の感動, Seiki No Kando, Passion Of The Century, Vertigine Bianca, White Vertigo, Kultaa Ja Kunniaa, Gold And Glory, Maailmat Kohtaavat - XV Olympiakisat Helsingissä 1952, Where The World Meets, De VI Olympiske Vinterleker Oslo 1952, The VI Olympic Winter Games, Oslo 1952, XIVth Olympiad: The Glory Of Sport, De Olympische Spelen, Amsterdam 1928, The Olympic Games, Amsterdam 1928, La IX Olympiade Ad Amsterdam, The IX Olympiad In Amsterdam, Das Weiße Stadion, The White Stadium, The Olympic Games Held At Chamonix In 1924, 손에 손 잡고 [1989], Hand In Hand [1989], The Olympic Games As They Were Practiced In Ancient Greece, Les Jeux Olympiques, Paris 1924, The Olympic Games In Paris 1924, The Games Of The V Olympiad Stockholm, 1912, 16 Days Of Glory, 東京オリンピック, Tokyo Olympiad, Tōkyō Orinpikku, One Light, One World, Marathon [1993], A Turning Point, 벽을 넘어서, Beyond All Barriers, Atlanta's Olympic Glory, Nagano '98 Olympics: Bud Greenspan's Stories Of Honor And Glory, Olympic Glory, Sydney 2000: Stories Of Olympic Glory, Salt Lake 2002: Bud Greenspan's Stories Of Olympic Glory, Bud Greenspan's Athens 2004: Stories Of Olympic Glory, Bud Greenspan's Torino 2006: Stories Of Olympic Glory, Bud Greenspan Presents Vancouver 2010: Stories Of Olympic Glory, First [2012], 永恒之火, The Everlasting Flame, Combat Sans Haine, Fight Without Hate, Jugend Der Welt, Youth Of The World, 札幌オリンピック, Sapporo Orinpikku, Sapporo Winter Olympics, Olimpiada En México, The Olympics In Mexico, Visions Of Eight, Muistojen Kisakesä 1952, Memories Of The Olympic Summer Of 1952, Minnenas Olympiasommar 1952, Olympia Part One: Festival Of The Nations, Olympia—Fest Der Voelker, Olympia Part Two: Festival Of Beauty, Olympia—Fest Der Schoenheit
Publisher:  The Criterion Collection
Format:Blu-ray Box Set
Date:5 Dec 2017
Region Code:Region A
Classification:NOT RATED
Genre:Documentary, Sports
Collection:  I Own It     I Want It 
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32-discs with 53 films + book (216 pages : illustrations ; 18 x 27 cm.)

Blu-Ray Edition.

The Olympic Games As They Were Practiced In Ancient Greece
DirectorJean de Rovera
(Information from Cinema World)
Les Jeux Olympiques, Paris 1924
AKAThe Olympic Games In Paris 1924
DirectorJean de Rovera
(Information from Cinema World)
The Olympic Games Held At Chamonix In 1924
DirectorJean de Rovera
(Information from Cinema World)
Das Weiße Stadion
AKAThe White Stadium
DirectorArnold Fanck
 Othmar Gurtner
(Information from Cinema World)
De Olympische Spelen, Amsterdam 1928
AKAThe Olympic Games, Amsterdam 1928
DirectorWilhelm Prager
(Information from Cinema World)
La IX Olympiade Ad Amsterdam
AKAThe IX Olympiad In Amsterdam
(Information from Cinema World)
Jugend Der Welt
AKAYouth Of The World
DirectorCarl Junghans
 Herbert Brieger
(Information from Cinema World)
Olympia 1. Teil - Fest Der Völker
AKAOlympia Part One: Festival Of The Nations
DirectorLeni Riefenstahl
(Information from Cinema World)
Olympia 2. Teil - Fest Der Schönheit
AKAOlympia Part Two: Festival Of Beauty
DirectorLeni Riefenstahl
Selected CastSheigo Arai
 Jack Beresford
(Information from Cinema World)
Combat Sans Haine
AKAFight Without Hate
DirectorAndré Michel
Selected CastCharles Spaak as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
XIVth Olympiad: The Glory Of Sport
DirectorCastleton Knight
Selected CastRobert Charpentier
 Ted Husing as Narrator
 Glenn Morris
 Jesse Owens
(Information from Cinema World)
De VI Olympiske Vinterleker Oslo 1952
AKAThe VI Olympic Winter Games, Oslo 1952
DirectorTancred Ibsen
Selected CastHjalmar 'Hjallis' Andersen
 King Olav V
(Information from Cinema World)
Maailmat Kohtaavat - XV Olympiakisat Helsingissä 1952
AKAWhere The World Meets
DirectorHannu Leminen
Selected CastCarl-Erik Creutz as Narrator
 Reino Palmroth as Narrator
 Usko Santavuori as Narrator
 Trygve Lie
(Information from Cinema World)
Kultaa Ja Kunniaa
AKAGold And Glory
DirectorHannu Leminen
Selected CastPaavo Nurmi as Narrator
 Reino Palmroth
(Information from Cinema World)
Muistojen Kisakesä 1952
AKAMemories Of The Olympic Summer Of 1952
WriterUsko Kemppi
Selected CastMatti Tamminen
(Information from Cinema World)
Hästen I Centrum
AKAThe Horse In Focus
(Information from Cinema World)
Olympic Games: 1956 [1956]
DirectorPeter Whitchurch
Selected CastRon Clarke
 Ademar Da Silva
 Alain Mimoun
 Wilma Rudolph
(Information from Cinema World)
Vertigine Bianca
AKAWhite Vertigo
DirectorGiorgio Ferroni
Selected CastToni Sailer
(Information from Cinema World)
Rendez-vous À Melbourne
AKAThe Melbourne Rendez-vous
DirectorRené Lucot
Selected CastFrançois Périer as Narrator
 Alain Mimoun
 Emil Zátopek
(Information from Cinema World)
Alain Mimoun
DirectorLouis Gueguen
(Information from Cinema World)
Menschen, Hoffnungen, Medaillen
AKAPeople, Hopes, Medals
DirectorHeribert Meisel
Selected CastBing Crosby
 Tony Curtis
 Heinz Fischer-Karwin as Narrator
 Janet Leigh
(Information from Cinema World)
La Grande Olimpiade
AKAThe Grand Olympics
DirectorRomolo Marcellini
Selected CastLivio Berruti
 Rafer Johnson
 Wilma Rudolph
 Corrado Sofia as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
IX. Olympische Winterspiele Innsbruck 1964
AKAIX Olympic Winter Games, Innsbruck 1964
DirectorTheo Hörmann
Selected CastBob Beattie
 Heinz Engelmann as Narrator
 Ernst Grissemann as Narrator
 Christl Haas
(Information from Cinema World)
AKATokyo Olympiad
Director市川 崑
Selected CastAbebe Bikila
 Jack Douglas as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
AKASensation Of The Century
(Information from Cinema World)
13 Jours En France
AKA13 Days In France
DirectorClaude Lelouch
 François Reichenbach
Selected CastPeggy Fleming
 Jean-Claude Killy
(Information from Cinema World)
Les Neiges De Grenoble
AKASnows Of Grenoble
DirectorJacques Ertaud
 Jean-Jacques Languepin
(Information from Cinema World)
Olimpiada En México
AKAThe Olympics In Mexico
DirectorAlberto Isaac
Selected CastEnrique Lizalde as Narrator
 Roberto Morales as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
AKASapporo Winter Olympics
Director篠田 正浩
(Information from Cinema World)
Visions Of Eight
DirectorMiloš Forman
 Kon Ichikawa
 Claude Lelouch
 Yuri Ozerov
 Arthur Penn
(Information from Cinema World)
Jeux De La XXIème Olympiade
AKAGames Of The XXI Olympiad
DirectorJean Beaudin
 Marcel Carrière
Selected CastNadia Comaneci
 João Carlos de Oliveira
 Bruce Jenner
(Information from Cinema World)
White Rock
DirectorTony Maylam
Selected CastJames Coburn as Narrator
SoundtrackRick Wakeman
(Information from Cinema World)
Olympic Spirit
DirectorDrummond Challis
 Tony Maylam
(Information from Cinema World)
О спорт, ты - мир!
AKAO Sport, You Are Peace!
DirectorЮрий Озеров
Selected CastТатьяна Анциферова
 Сергей Беликов
 Лев Лещенко
 София Ротару
(Information from Cinema World)
A Turning Point
DirectorKim Takal
(Information from Cinema World)
16 Days Of Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
Selected CastMichael Gross
 Carl Lewis
 David Perry
(Information from Cinema World)
Calgary '88: 16 Days Of Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
(Information from Cinema World)
벽을 넘어서
AKABeyond All Barriers
(Information from Cinema World)
손에 손 잡고 [1989]
AKAHand In Hand [1989]
(Information from Cinema World)
One Light, One World
DirectorR. Douglas Copsey
 Jay Jalbert
Selected CastDon LaFontaine as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
Marathon [1993]
DirectorCarlos Saura
Selected CastCharles Barkley
 Larry Bird
 Magic Johnson
 Jackie Joyner
(Information from Cinema World)
Lillehammer '94: 16 Days Of Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
Selected CastWill Lyman as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
Atlanta's Olympic Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
Selected CastGary Hall Jr.
 Michael Johnson
 Jackie Joyner
 Carl Lewis
(Information from Cinema World)
Nagano '98 Olympics: Bud Greenspan's Stories Of Honor And Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
Selected CastLu Chen
 Deborah Compagnoni
 Kristin Holum
 Will Lyman as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
Olympic Glory
DirectorKieth Merrill
Selected CastStacy Keach as Narrator
 Yayoi Swapp
(Information from Cinema World)
Sydney 2000: Stories Of Olympic Glory
DirectorAndrew Squicciarini
Selected CastBob Costas
 Stacy Dragilla
 Tommy Emmanuel
 Cathy Freeman
(Information from Cinema World)
Salt Lake 2002: Bud Greenspan's Stories Of Olympic Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
Selected CastStefania Belmondo
 Bonnie Blair
 Herb Brooks
 Alisa Camplin
(Information from Cinema World)
Bud Greenspan's Athens 2004: Stories Of Olympic Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
Selected CastWill Lyman as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
Bud Greenspan's Torino 2006: Stories Of Olympic Glory
DirectorBud Greenspan
Selected CastKjetil André Aamodt
 Shizuka Arakawa
 Joey Cheek
 Sasha Cohen
(Information from Cinema World)
AKAThe Everlasting Flame
DirectorJun Gu
Selected CastMark Griffiths [2] as Narrator
(Information from Cinema World)
Bud Greenspan Presents Vancouver 2010: Stories Of Olympic Glory
DirectorNancy Beffa
(Information from Cinema World)
First [2012]
DirectorCaroline Rowland
Selected CastJohn Orozco
 Heena Sidhu
 David Rudisha
 Majlinda Kelmendi
(Information from Cinema World)
The Games Of The V Olympiad Stockholm, 1912
DirectorAdrian Wood
(Information from Cinema World)


Comments and Reviews
7th Feb 2018

01 Stockholm 1912: Games of the V Olympiad
The Games of the V Olympiad, Stockholm, 1912

02 Chamonix 1924: I Olympic Winter Games
The Olympic Games Held at Chamonix in 1924
Paris 1924: Games of the VII Olympiad
The Olympic Games As They Were Practiced in Ancient GreeceThe Olympic Games in Paris 1924

03 St. Moritz 1928: II Olympic Winter Games
The White Stadium (Das weisse Stadion)

04 Amsterdam 1928: Games of the IX Olympiad
The IX Olympiad in Amsterdam (La IX Olimpiade ad Amsterdam)

05 Amsterdam 1928: Games of the IX Olympiad
The Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928 (De Olympische spelen—Amsterdam 1928

06 Garmisch-Partenkirchen: IV Olympic Winter Games
Youth of the World (Jugend der Welt)
Berlin 1936: Games of the XI Olympiad
Olympia Part One: Festival of the Nations (Olympia—Fest der Voelker)Olympia Part Two: Festival of Beauty (Olympia—Fest der Schoenheit)

07 St. Moritz 1948: V Olympic Winter Games
Fight Without Hate (Combat sans haine)
London 1948: Games of the XIV Olympiad
XIVth Olympiad: The Glory of Sport

08 Oslo 1952: VI Olympic World Games
The VI Olympic Winter Games, Oslo 1952 (De VI Olympiske vinterleker Oslo 1952

09 Helsinki 1952: Games of the XV Olmpiad
Where the World Meets (Maailmat kohtaavat—XV Olympiakisat Helsingissä 1952)
Gold and Glory (Kultaa ja kunniaa)
Memories of the Olympic Summer of 1952

10 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956: VII Olympic Winter Games
White Vertigo (Vertigine bianca)

11 Melbourne/Stockholm 1956: Games of the XVI Olympiad
Olympic Games, 1956
The Melbourne Rendez-vous (Rendez-vous à Melbourne)
Alain Mimoun
The Horse in Focus (Hästen i centrum)

12 Squaw Valley 1960: VIII Olympic Winter Games
People, Hopes, Medals (Menschen, Hoffnungen, Medaillen)
Rome 1960: Games of the XVII Olympiad
The Grand Olympics (Le grande Olimpiade)

13 Innsbruck 1964: IX Olympic Winter Games
IX Olympic Winter Games, Innsbruck 1964 (IX Olympische Winterspiele Innsbruck 1964)

14 Tokyo 1964: Games of the XVIII Olympiad
Tokyo Olympiad (Tokyo Orinpikku)

15 Tokyo 1964: Games of the XVII Olympiad
Sensation of the Century (Seiki no kando)

16 Grenoble 1968: X Olympic Winter Games
13 Days in France (13 jours en France)
Snows of Grenoble (Neiges de Grenoble)

17 Mexico City 1968: Games of the XIX Olympiad
The Olympics in Mexico (Olimpiada en México)

18 Sapporo 1972: XI Olympic Winter Games
Sapporo Winter Olympics (Sapporo Orinpikku)
Munich 1972: Games of the XX Olympiad
Visions of Eight

19 Innsbruck 1976: XII Olympic Winter Games
White Rock
Montreal 1976: Games of the XXI Olympiad
Games of the XXI Olympiad

20 Lake Placid 1980: XIII Olympic Winter Games
Olympic Spirit
Moscow 1980: Games of the XXI Olympiad
O Sport, You Are Peace! (O sport, ty—mir!)

21 Sarajevo 1984: XIV Olympic Winter Games
A Turning Point

22 Los Angeles 1984: Games of the XXIII Olympiad
16 Days of Glory

23 Calgary 1988: XV Olympic Winter Games
Calgary '88: 16 Days of Glory

24 Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad
Seoul 1988

25 Seoul 1988: Games of the XXIV Olympiad
Hand in HandBeyond All Barriers

26 Albertville 1992: XVI Olympic Winter Games
One Light, One World
Barcelona 1992: Games of the XXV Olympiad
Marathon (Maratón)

27 Lillehammer 1994: XVII Olympic Winter Games
Lillehammer '94: 16 Days of Glory

28 Atlanta 1996: Games of the XXVI Olympiad
Atlanta's Olympic Glory

29 Nagano 1998: XVIII Olympic Winter Games
Nagano '98 Olympics: Stories of Honor and Glory
Sydney 2000: Games of the XVII Olympiad
Sydney 2000: Stories of Olympic Glory

30 Salt Lake City 2002: XIX Olympic Winter Games
Salt Lake City 2002: Bud Greenspan's Stories of Olympic Glory
Athens 2004: Games of the XXVII Olympiad
Bud Greenspan's Athens 2004: Stories of Olympic Glory

31 Turin 2006: XX Olympic Winter Games
Bud Greenspan's Torino 2006: Stories of Olympic Glory
Beijing 2008: Games of the XXIX Olympiad
The Everlasting Flame

32 Vancouver 2010: XXI Olympic Winter Games
Bud Greenspan Presents Vancouver 2010

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