ppint. 8th Oct 2021
| | Rated 10/10the first, very strange johnny depp film "inspired by" the first of lewis carroll's two classic fantasy/satire novels, tim burton's "alice in wonderland" (2010) creates an original, but clearly carrollian wonderland, a world riven by the bitter sisterly rivalry of the red and white queens, at daggers drawn since a long-repressed utterly horrific betrayal, an incident too dreadful to be mentioned in more than hushed whisper, into the middle of which which alice - definitely an alice - and possibly, but not necessarily, "the right alice'' - is pitchforked,
(- intro précis to be completed when yr hmbl srppnt.'s a bit better recovered from the death of a friend. sorry.)
the stories of the hatter, and of the jabberwock, and their fates, and whether the outcome of - the long foretold, inexorably oncoming - frabjous day depend upon whether ''the right alice'' has indeed been matched to the right job - that of the long-awaited heroine who will save everyone and wonderland from the vengeful, demented rage of the red queen.. probably...
- only probably. . .
- this film moves some distance away from lewis carroll's original first "alice" fantasy novel - if that's quite the right classification for it (that creation possesses many levels besides that of ''fantasy''), but imnsho burton and its other makers kept faith with carroll's thematic concerns, and the story and images are - again, very weirdly - well in keeping with many of those that were his abiding concerns.
- this "alice in wonderland" is complete and satisfying in itself, coming to a thundering fine climactic conclusory frabjous day - and one that fully satisfies alice - this alice - in the fantasy world of underland, and about her place in her real world too; she gains confidence through shaping events according to her own ideals - mostly - in the one, and discovers it transfers in its own, weird way, and ways, into insights into the difficulties and decisions she faces, in the other.
- and yet the 2016 james bobin-directed sequel (q.v.) isn't an anticlimax of any kind, and in its own right is a superb film.
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