biffbampow 21st May 2015
| | Yes... it's one of my biggest bugbears! I don't take kindly to seeing the history of the last century getting rewritten by politically correct revisionists and the likes of the BBC censoring and editing stuff for such reasons. History should be left alone and left for us to make our own judgements. |
henry29 21st May 2015
| | @biffbampow. If You pop over to TV. You will see another Music Program like many others of It's kind that suffers the same Thing. H. |
biffbampow 21st May 2015
| | Yes, copyright and clearance issues have indeed ensured movies like this will never get reissued - I mentioned Savile because his involvement ensures NOBODY will ever want to touch anything he was a part of and unfortunately he was in a handful of music movies, all of which like this are important snapshots of social history. At least we do have a copy of this to enjoy and my copy looks fine given it's origins whereas the copy going around of "Just For Fun" taped from a Bravo broadcast is very smeary and a pity we'll never be able to see or own it from a better print or copy.
Such a shame. One of the reasons I like this movie is down to it's innocence and simple charm. Not much of a story or plot but a pleasant escape from 21st Century insanity... and to their credit, Gerry, George Martin and co didn't do a bad job with the soundtrack either though a pity The Fourmost's contribution is a forgettable dirge. |
henry29 21st May 2015
| | I Have loads of these Music movies and None will see the light of day on DVD/Blu-Ray or any other format. It Is not because of Savile. It Is because of the Music. To Get a Licence for the Copyright to every track In the Film the Outlay would Out weight the end result. They are Not In the Public Domain as Cliff saw to that. It Is a real Shame as they are a part of Social Life back In the Day that will never be Documented again. If You listen very carefully to some of the Films from the 60's / 70's they have Changed the Original Music for Cheaper Incidental Library Scores to get over the Copyright Rules. And secure a DVD/Blu-Ray Release. You see a Band playing In the background but It Is not the Music they are playing that You hear. The TV Companies Licences have run out for these Films and will Never be Broadcast again. I Think the Last time this was on TV was Around 1985 Probably when the Recording to Tape was made of the Copy You and I own. H. |
hedgehopperray 21st May 2015
| | Certainly a copy made I suspect from a home recorded VHS tape & transfered to a blank DVD, still the quality is not at all bad (even if the sleeve insert & disc printing is pretty ropey). I got it off Ebay some years ago & as stated there was no official version to be had so it was the only game in town. I really just put it on here to establish if non official discs could be uploaded & marked as a Bootleg like 45Cat or they were not to be allowed at all (if the latter mods to delete this entry) |
biffbampow 21st May 2015
| | Definitely an unofficial boot - has never been officially re-issued in any form and unfortunately, the chance of a DVD/BluRay is zilch thanks to the presence of a certain Jimmy Savile during the final 5th of the film.
A shame because as cheesy as it is, it's a rather charming period piece. For many years I read that this belonged to Apple Corps, The Beatles company and sure enough they used a whole load of Liverpool location scenes from it for the "Eleanor Rigby" sequence in The Beatles Anthology, but in the last three years, it's ownership has fallen into doubt and now being presumed as "public domain". |
nboldock ● 21st May 2015
| | That looks like it could be a homemade job to me? |