Contribution Credits - The Magnificent SevenDiscs Submitted By | mrblond (17), AllHit45s (2), Bgray1 (1), HelBic (1), JLC135 (1), jockeysteve (1), kab2112 SUBS (1), rockwave (1), The VHS Collector (1) | Images Submitted By | mrblond (43), kab2112 SUBS (11), AllHit45s (5), copix622 (3), jockeysteve (3), The VHS Collector (3), Bgray1 (2), JLC135 (2), rockwave (2), HelBic (1) | Additional Info By | mrblond, jalb1972, jockeysteve, Josue Duperon | Corrections By | Josue Duperon, Mycdhitzone |
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