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Magic Marmalade
3rd Jan 2025
Dreamscape - Lumiere (1994)
I noticed this keeps appearing in the top 50 for viewed items on DVD/Blu-ray world on a semi-regular basis, so thought a little note might be in order for the curious:

This edition was bought by me sometime in the mid to late nineties - likely late nineties, as it was when DVD was just becoming a thing, and there were huge "dump-'em-all" sales on VHS - in an HMV store in UK.

It is the UK cut/edited version, where the scene with the nunchucks appears (or doesn't, in this case)

Can't say I've ever seen a copy of this edition, with this artwork for sale ever on ebay, Amazon, or anywhere else, for that matter, so it seems not a lot of them were sold, and it probably wasn't a popular title at the time.

(The red dot on the certificate on the spine was put there by my housemate at the time, in order to distinguish the owners of different tapes on a common shelf shared by three of us in the living room... so isn't of any significance to the edition/copy itself... still can't get the bugger off, as I think he used superglue, which I was less than amused by!)

Magic Marmalade
20th Nov 2024
The Beatles 1 - Universal (2015)
Added temporary image... may need a better one.

My disc says mad in EU, so not sure if some were made in US for that market, or if they should be regarded a s separate items.

Magic Marmalade
20th Nov 2024
The Beatles 1 - Universal (2015)
Picked a copy of this up from the charity shop yesterday, and it's quite a difficult one to get a beat on...

... Discogs has two entries answering to this barcode listed as "Unofficial", yet it all looks legit to me, and ebay doesn't seem to have many listings for this individual DVD (Only the box set version with the blue "1" with a "+" next to it).

This seems odd to me, given the band and title that it is, as surely there should have been more about?

Anyway, having done a couple of variations on a search on internet, one result was for Record Store Day site, so it seems this was a Record Store Day Release from 2015.

(Didn't think they did DVDs!)

Also, it is given as region: "All", so I think it was internationally available, if only in limited amounts.

Magic Marmalade
4th Jun 2024
DVD Box Set
Akira - Manga Entertainment Limited (2003)
The two versions on this each feature the different endings - one wiht the tentacles of doom! the other without.

Magic Marmalade
4th Jun 2024
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (2006)
"Original theatrical version" / pre - special edition Lucas revisionist version is on the bonus disc of this - sweet :)

Although there is some debate about that, this is as close as you get to the original release on a newer disc format.

All three movies in the original trilogy were released as limited editions in this way, and each sporting the original theatrical versions on their respective bonus discs.

...Beware though, single disc versions were also released in this artwork at the same time, not featuring the bonus discs and the theatrical versions - to be sure you have the right one, it must say: "Limited Edition" in the gold banner along the top of the front cover.

(I know this, because I found this a few months back, but only the other week found Empire in this Limited edition, between New Hope, and Return Of That There Jedi which were not limited editions, and had I not been sharp to the absence of the banner on those other two, I'd have been very disappointed (Still looking out for Jedi).

Magic Marmalade
4th Jun 2024
Marnie - Universal (2005)
Just watched this on this DVD - comes in both standard DVD case and a slimline case version.

4:3 ratio.

Excellent looking picture, probably the best of the Hitchcocks I've seen on DVD with regards picture quality on DVD.

Magic Marmalade
12th Jan 2024
The Abyss - 20th Century Fox (2001)

Have now added images to my new entry for one disc edition.

Turns out that the automatic resize and upload function is not available on this world, as it is in others, so I had to resize the image down to dimensions the world could accept.

Magic Marmalade
11th Jan 2024
The Abyss - 20th Century Fox (2001)
Thanks Cygnus,

Never realised that scene was cut from every UK version, I thought it was a recent thing to do with the 4K release...

(Strange that I have a memory of the scene with the rat - perhaps it is one of those "Psycho shower scene" things, where the editing suggests so strongly that you saw something when you didn't - the imagination having filled in the blanks :)

...I have added the one disc edition on site, but the bloomin' thing won't let me upload images at the moment for some reason.

Magic Marmalade
9th Jan 2024
The Abyss - 20th Century Fox (2001)
Seeing my copy in daylight reveals that it has both the theatrical version and the special edition cut on the same disc...

(As per disc one of this issue -which is a win for me, as I wanted both versions :)

Having now ripped both in handbrake, the theatrical version comes in at 2 hours 18 minutes, and the special edition version at 2 hours and 43 minutes, which squares with what you said (163 minutes -as stated on my copy also), but I couldn't say where the extra 8 minutes you have cones from... Maybe extra credits for restoration/mastering, for new version?

(That's still a big gap though).

I did see that someone said the scene where the navy seal demonstrates the breathing liquid with the rat was to be cut for the new 4k version, as modern sensibilities would not allow it to pass censors - animal rights issues, and that if this was to be so, Cameron would not allow the release in UK, or something of that nature...

(I may be way off about that, as it was mentioned in passing on a video I saw on YouTube)

... So maybe that issue has been resolved?

Magic Marmalade
8th Jan 2024
The Abyss - 20th Century Fox (2001)
Can someone confirm a couple of things about this for me...

I found the "One-Disc Edition" of this in the charity shop the other day (It states that n the front, in a blue banner along the top), but doesn't seem to state it was the special edition (extended) of the movie on the cover, anywhere I can see, but the disc inside is the disc one you see on this page - should this disc be in my packaging, or has it been popped in there as a replacement?

The other thing, is that I perceive online form listings and chatter, that this is, if not rare exactly, then certainly sought after, due to no Blu-ray issue, although I see a new 4K release - some say that this 4k release has been cut for the sake of UK censors for some reason, and so this dvd retains a certain "sought after" status, as it has whatever was cut from the new one... or something like that.

Any idea what has been cut, and why?

In fact, the whole deal with this would be good to know.

Magic Marmalade
30th Dec 2023
An Enemy Of The People [1978] - Warner Home Video (1983)
According to my understanding (meagre, though it is) the certificate you point to applies to the movie itself, not the cassette...

...Only, in light of the growth in home media via video cassette, was a separate system of certification devised, to be applied to these, only in 1985, before which, it there was no legally binding obligation to apply certificates to cassettes and home media.

I believe a lot of the videos released after this advent of certification may have cuts and edits made in order to comply with the new rules, and so, much as in CDs, you look for the AAD mark, to denote a recording on this disc in it's original form (even if it's only an indicator) the pre-cert thing may be why early videos may be sought after, as this indicates a closer approximation of the original.

I'm probably somewhat off base, or only approximate myself, not being in any way, an expert, only a dude who's interest has been piqued, so I'd be interested in the knowledge and views of anybody who really knows this stuff, as I'd like to more about it.

(Thanks for the image edit, by the way JLC! :)

Magic Marmalade
29th Dec 2023
An Enemy Of The People [1978] - Warner Home Video (1983)

...My first genuine pre-cert / big box video cassette!!!

(And I was especially looking out for a Warner Home Video one, what with that classic cover framing design they have, and which I remember fondly in the locl video rental stores way back in the day - was looking for Mad Max or a Clint Eastwood one to be honest, but I'll take this! :)

I've been gradually looking into these for a while now, and set myself a target of finding one in the wild, but they are very hard to come by, it seems, both in charity shops and boot-fairs.

I'd almost pushed it to the back of my brain when this turned up out of the blue, in a charity shop a couple of weeks back.

(A lot of charity shops don't accept VHS donations anymore, and so don't sell them - understandable I suppose, as they are very niche, and they have struggled to sell DVDs for a long while (not so much now though, it seems!!! - are people going back to DVD and Blu-ray, in order to escape subscriptions for streaming? - something in the air perhaps!?! :))

...I've not watched it yet, and frankly I'd never even heard of this movie, so I'm as intrigued by the movie as I am excited to have found this cassette.


Magic Marmalade
22nd Dec 2023
Goodfellas - Warner Home Video (1999)
A "Buyer beware" note on this disc:

If you look on the back cover (bottom left), under the Warner logo and text, you will see:

"Two sided format - At the end of side one, please turn over the disc"

...A real pain in the crevice... and probably explains why this particular issue turns up everywhere in charity shops and boot-fairs, as everyone wants rid, in order to get, perhaps a blu-ray or other, where the entire movie is continuous on one side (So no need to flip the disc).

It would seem that this is the only UK dvd issue, so would be a problem... Except, as I have discovered, there is a DVD issue with the entire movie on one side:

What you need to look out for, if this is something that concerns you, is the two disc special edition, where one disc has all the special features, but the main disc, has just the movie, with picture on the non playing face.

This has taken me quite a while to find in the wild, and this may be the reason, as everyone who isn't willing to go to later formats, won't let go of the two disc special so readily.

Magic Marmalade
1st Jul 2023
The Beastmaster (Directors Cut) - Anchor Bay Entertainment
Rated 2/10
I've added a rating of 2 for this disc, not the movie itself.

I love the movie, as I grew up with it on TV (The mouthless vampire doo-dads which encompass you with their wings and eat you still give me the willies!)

No, I'm rating the print of the movie on this disc, and the absolutely horrific attempt to restore the missing footage, which looks like they found the can of film in a trashcan full of bin juice after all these years, and just plonked it in their with zero restoration, or any attempt to match anything with the existing film (already wobbly, unrestored)...

...This new footage is probably what the word "Shonky" was invented for.


Absolute crud, and a cynical, uncaring attempt to merely push this out the door on DVD.

This will disturb your enjoyment of an old movie fave.

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Magic Marmalade
26th Mar 2022
The Bourne Identity [1988] - Warner Home Video (2002)
Rated 7/10
The Bourne Revelation!

Another of my snapper case DVD acquisitions...

Wasn't overly inspired by the whole Richard Chamberlain in the role concept, but mostly because of my familiarity with the more recent Matt Damon, Chemically enhanced super-ninja take on the character and story that somewhat overshadows this now.

(Thankfully Damon's Bourne did kick the Brosnan era Bond movies into touch, and make them look twee, and highlighted their ridiculousness thereby killing off that rendering of the franchise - yay! :)

However, this version still has more than a lot to offer, in spite of suffering by comparison in terms of action and pizazz.

The story is essentially the same - assassin type gets donked on head, loses memory, and battles to recover identity against unknown forces.

But where this wins out, is that this is more of a story, in the true, international espionage / conspiracy thriller / intrigue sense... more like what I would image the book to read like... a proper unfolding of a story, in the style of an investigation.

Much of the detail here in the story and concept you realise has been jettisoned in the Damon version, in order, presumably, to tighten it up, and make those films crack along in a more cinema friendly, spectacle kind of way, whereas this, across its original three hour (two separate, hour and twenty "miniseries" event format, takes it's time, and is more of a slow burner.

But there are many things here that make you go: "Ah!.. now I understand what that is, and what this means!" - not properly explained or resolved in the Damon movies - like what the deeper, truer meaning, and concept of the very title is: "The Bourne Identity" is not purely a name, or mask identity for a dude with no memory, but is a key concept at the bottom of the plot, and is significant to the story in asking questions about the nature of identity itself here, as the revelations are presented - am I who I was, or who I am now - more myself without my memory than with it, and who and what is that?

(There's even a neat little twist within that - which I won't spoil!)

The concept of Treadstone is integral to this too, and is quite something else than the recent films made of it.

But even this, is wrapped around another entirely abandoned central plot point, that the whole point of the exercise is to capture semi-mythical super-villain assassin: Carlos The Jackal.

And to cap it all, the final revelation of who he is / was, has more backstory, whereas the Damon films only give you a name, but not a reason why, or who that name was as a person.

All this is found here though... And if you prefer your spy thrillers a bit more absorbing, and intriguing and a little less hyperactive and actiony (more La Carre than Captain America) then you'll probably love this more than the Damon film(s).

While overall, this style feels like it was probably a little dated even at the time of first showing compared to what was around it (the production feels more like 70s, or at most early 80s), and Chamberlain is a little hard to accept as a Bourne straight off...

(Looking a bit like the ridiculous Roger Moore of his later Bond years - an ageing man lumbering around action sequences with frequent and obvious stunt double cuts)

... he gets into his stride as it goes along, and is even a bit handy (within reason) in later action segments.

The other dynamic that has been altered, that is greatly to this version's benefit, is the relationship between the Bourne character and the female lead character (Jaclyn Smith)... there's more substance here... While in the newer versions, she is basically a damsel in distress, there only to bear an awed witness to what Damon can do with a rolled up copy of Woman's Weekly (tee-hee :), or maybe even a toothpick or pool noodle to his ill starred adversaries...

(Anything in Damon's hands is a lethal weapon folks!)

...here, she starts off as the abductee, but becomes over time an investigative partner, and even instigator of certain scenes... so they end up as almost a n equal pair in the whole matter.

Some great scenes between the pair with good dialogue, and well acted.

(Saphire and Steel, or Dempsey and Makepeace kind of thing?).

So while Chamberlain is struggling initially with a flight of stairs, or the concept of "jogging", while Damon's doing cartwheels on the moon, this is more substantial, makes more sense, and action aside, is actually, probably a better "movie"! - more rewarding, story wise anyway.

Damon's version(s) can't be beat for a high intensity, bad-ass, arms and legs revolving like a squid in a washing machine kung-fu fest, whilst leaping from rooftops and all that jazz...

...but if you want something more real, this is better.

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Magic Marmalade
11th Feb 2022
Dune [2021] - Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (2022)
Yes, a bit cheeky, it was very ambiguous in the run up to release at cinemas that they would break it into pieces (makes sense, but you have to inform people!).

I watched this on Microsoft streaming, as once I knew it was only part one, I didn't want to get stiffed like I did with Lord of The Rings, and go buying the disc, and either finding out it was poo, or then later, after the other part(s?) are done they release the whole thing as a box, with extras and such.

But my understanding is that they hadn't even greenlit the subsequent parts when having agreed to make this... so I suspect Villeneuve slapped an explicit "Part One" on the opening credits to force their hand, and not allow Warner to back out from making the rest without there being furore from fans (sneaky! :).

((I notice the attached Cinema link in this page is for the wrong version of the film, so will submit a correction for that, for a "local DVD mod" to fix :)) [Corrected. mod]

Magic Marmalade
6th Mar 2021
Paul McCartney - The Space Within US (2006)
Entry created from an entry in CD albums using details and images submitted by Collsrt.

Magic Marmalade
8th Jan 2021
DVD Box Set
Quartetto Cetra: Antologia Di Canzoni, Sketch E Parodie - Radio Fandango (2008)
Top work sir, I shall now await your command to delete the CD entry. (In case you need images or anything from there :)

Magic Marmalade
2nd Apr 2020
DVD Box Set
Magnolia - Entertainment In Video (2000)
Rated 10/10
A curious blend of dark, gritty and tragic with the bizarrely comic and absurd.

Still is, and ever will be Paul Thomas Anderson's Masterpiece (better than the overdone and just plain bleak Crash,

An ensemble character study of a collection of people who are either closely related or more loosely so, but all bearing some relationship to the others by degrees, and how those relationships change when set against a surreal set of circumstances which act as a catalyst:

...A couple pretty offensive types who are broken down during the course of the movie to reveal their humanity, while other more genial ones are revealed to have the darkest undertones, and even a few weaker people discovering some real strength,

A must see. Very moving, well orchestrated, quirky, odd, and has Philip Seymour Hoffman's most devastatingly human role as a carer for the terminally ill, Tom Cruise doing the full obnoxious bit (initially), and a brilliant set of soundtrack songs by Aimee Mann.

(but the whole cast is excellent too).

Watch it... Watch it now! :)

6 people found this review helpful.   ✔︎ Helpful Review?

Magic Marmalade
12th Feb 2018
Blade Runner 2049 - Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (2018)
I took the plunge, and watched this t'other day.

...I was apprehensive, as Blade Runner is my favourite film of all time, and was a little heartbroken (and a bit angry) when they announced this was coming...

(I went to the cinema when it came out, and stood debating with myself before deciding I didn't want that kind of disappointment in my life - another F$%^^ing remake! / cash in / destruction of that which (I) love - and walking off)

But very pleasantly surprised... if it wasn't for the enormous baggage it carries of the first film, I might say this is a modern masterpiece (if it stood alone) - doesn't quite have the soul of the original, but it does have one all it's own, very minimalist performances which speak volumes (Gosling is very good at twitch acting at this level)

Nice twists on he original premise, and elements in the score which are wholly original, and quite startling - did I hear one of those Australian whirly wooden things on a string that Crocodile Dundee used to call out to the clan in the wilderness, a fair bit of throat singing, and the usual bleeps and squiggles.

I very soon forgot about the original for a time, and was absorbed in it.

Villeneuve can take his place as perhaps one of the best directors of our time, and certainly one of the best sci-fi directors (Arrival is brilliant!).

I thin even Philip K. Dick would be happy with this!

I am. (phew)

Magic Marmalade
27th Aug 2017
Star Wars - 20th Century Fox (1982)
Must have been a thrill to find it greg.

I always hope I might stumble across one, just because they are fascinating objects... be nice to have... and Star Wars too!

(Dr.D ought to put this on Facebob, I think)

Magic Marmalade
12th May 2017
Doctor Who: The Trial Of A Time Lord #9-#12 - Terror Of The Vervoids (2008)
Can you be more specific with the text you want removed ppint?

Magic Marmalade
17th Mar 2017
Orlando - Artificial Eye (2003)
Jimmy Sommerville's song, Coming from the film.

Magic Marmalade
16th Mar 2017
Orlando - Artificial Eye (2003)
Thanks for the change Graham.

(Blackadder hadn't occurred to me... until you said that!:)

Quinten Crisp does the most convincing Elizabeth I you'll ever see on film here too.

Magic Marmalade
14th Mar 2017
Orlando - Artificial Eye (2003)
This is quite a rare DVD...

(Not necessarily valuable though)

... and God knows it was hard enough to find when I originally bought it. And that's because it was a bit "niche", and arty.

I first saw it on T.V (might have been channel 4) in the early nineties, not long after it came out, and the T.V listings write-up got my interest (and there was nothing else on at the time as I recall)... and I was absolutely blown away by it.... It is a magical film.

Based on the book by Virginia Woolf, of a fictional biography of the titular Orlando, who moves through history, changing sex (gender, that is) as he (originally) goes, becoming a woman through some spontaneous supernatural means... this doesn't matter really how or why, as that's not the point... it's about gender politics at different points in history, from the unique perspective of one person who gets to see both perspectives.

...But then, at the same time, it's probably more accurate to say that it's not about gender specifically, but rather the simple pursuit of happiness and personal fulfilment, but set in the context of those issues, and how all that nonsense just complicates this humble aspiration. with both points of view having their own particular set of concerns, responsibilities, inhibitions, and against each set of bias and prejudices.

But for all that, it's just a beautifully shot, fantastically realised film that asts some kind of a spell on you when you watch it, that never lets go after you have.

It's also one of those rare instances where it's ten times better than the book it was adapted from too... this is concise, and poetic, whereas the book (at the risk of upsetting a pack of Virignia's Woolves :) is just dull, and boring... Of course, all the raw material is there in the book, the inventive and highly original idea, but it isn't an inspiring read I don't think.

As for this particular DVD issue itself, it's an early-ish issue on this format, and T.Vs were probably only half the size they are now, and this means that while this gives you a great picture on anything up to say, a 30" screen, I have found it gets a little bit misty and unresolved on a 40" screen... and the tracking of the movement in one or two scenes is a little juddery..

It has since been re-issued on DVD, and Blu-ray, and this very edition was given away with a newspaper not that long ago... in which case, I'd advise anyone who just wants the film on a smaller screen (less than 30") to go for this, or the newspaper freebie, but over that, get one of the re-issues instead.

6 people found this review helpful.   ✔︎ Helpful Review?

Magic Marmalade
21st Dec 2016
Deadpool - 20th Century Fox (2016)
Well, Christmas shopping sucks doesn't it?

....So I think you've got to get yourself a little treat to make it bearable, and this is mine.

-Very very funny film, will be played t destruction! -

Ah... bumhug!

Magic Marmalade
29th Nov 2016
12 Angry Men - MGM (2001)
I've thought of a very dastardly / ingenious lesson plan for teachers based around this film...

(It's one and a half hours long, so might not be entirely practical, but a good idea none the less!)

...The class watches the film, and of course, they may have opinions and maybe strong feelings about it's content etc. But there's really no way for kids to understand it at a personal level unless they can feel what jury service (making legally binding judgements on others which have real world impact on real people's lives), and other aspects of justice system, are like themselves...

...So, once the film is finished, teacher waffles a bit about it, discussion, etc. then teachers "randomly" picks two of the class to come forward (pick the two most popular kids from different groups - he he he), and says:

"Right, one of these two will be writing me book/film report on this film over the weekend, of not less than two thousand words..."

(too little? .... make it five thousand then, or at least enough to screw up their weekend)

"...But you, class, will decide among you, which one it will be..... if, at the end of the day, you haven't decided unanimously, who that will be, you all do it, and neither of these two will have to"

allows them to feel they've each got something at stake, and something to lose, with no entirely "clean" way out... and ultimately they will feel what that burden of responsibility is like.

Perhaps you allow them to choose a class mate each to defend them, and make their case through reasoned argument, and why the other one should do it instead.

(apparently arbitrary rules, unfairness, each responsible for, and to the other/s, with consequences for all in terms of personal guilt, recrimination.... you'd certainly find out a few things about the individuals in the class!...marvellous :)

-of course, having put them all through the ringer, the punch line, five minutes from the end of class, is that nobody has to do it - unless you feel they may have read this, in which case, make em' do it! -

I think I should either have been a teacher... or a prison warden!

"But Sir... this is unfair!!!"...

...."Yup...welcome to the world!"


Magic Marmalade
10th Oct 2016
Cat-Women Of The Moon - Image Entertainment (2001)
"Love starved moon maidens on the prowl"

(Where's an emoji for pissing yourself with laughter when you need one! :)

Magic Marmalade
29th Sep 2016
DVD Box Set
The Wicker Man - Warner Home Video (2002)
Barcode is the same as on mine, so I've "owned" this.

If so, this is a 2 disc edition, with the original theatrical version on disc 1, and the director's cut on disc 2.

A three panel folding "digipak" style case in a card slipcase.

The Director's cut has a 15 minutes of footage that was only relatively recently rediscovered, having been thought lost for so long...

...That said, it doesn't really add anything to the experience of the film, and despite attempts to clean up the found footage, the print quality due to deterioration (at a different rate than the theatrical footage at least) is a great deal different to the film they have restored it to, so it just feels rather clunkily "dropped in" at the appropriate scenes in a very obvious and quite jarring way.

More for curiosity and interest in seeing how the original narrative progressed with these additional scenes and footage than an enhancement of the overall movie experience.

You'll still go back to the original film in the end if you just want to watch the movie.


Disc 1:

Theatrical Version of the film (84 mins)
The Wicker Man Enigma - 35 min documentary
Theatrical Trailer
TV & Radio Spots
Talent Biographies
Christopher Lee Interview (25 mins)
CD ROM special feature - Original Theatrical Brochure for the film.

Disc 2:

The Director's Cut
Feature Length Commentary With Christopher Lee, Edward Woodward, Director Robin Hardy, and moderated by Mark Kermode

Magic Marmalade
25th Aug 2016
The Blair Witch Project - Artisan (2000)
"I'm scared to open my eyes.... I'm scared to close my eyes...."

...I'm scared to have eyes... I'm scared not to have eyes.... I'm scared of my eyes.... my eyes are scared of me....

... both me.... and my eyes.... are scared

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