| 1: Flatmates [Finland] 2: The Jokers [Finland] 3: Muleskinners [Finland]
Rami Tapperin 15-vuotis Taiteilijajuhla |  | Citysoundi, Turku, Finland | 14 Jan 1995 | 0 | |
 | 1: Rock Ola And Lost Souls 2: Muleskinners [Finland] 3: The Ballroomers 4: Krazy Kat And Kuumat Rautakanget
50's Style Rock'n'Roll Club |  | Ravintola Pormestari, Vantaa, Finland | 6 Jun 1984 | 0 | |
 | Lärvätsalo Go-Go
1: Rock-Ola 2: Fortunes [Finland] 3: Muleskinners [Finland] 4: Bird Dogs 5: Crackerjacks [Finland] 6: Nervous Breakdown [Finland] 7: Buzzsaw 8: Krazy Kat [Finland] 9: Norfolk Revolt
|  | Sammatin Nuorisoseuran talo "Lärvätsalo", Lohja, Finland | 30 Apr 1984 | 0 | |
 | 1: Mystery Train [Finland] 2: Rock-Ola And Muleskinners 3: Jumpin' Paralyzers 4: Muleskinners [Finland] 5: Fortunes [Finland]
Moondogs' Rock'n'Roll Party |  | Humppilan Seuraintalo, Humppila, Finland | 24 Mar 1984 | 0 | |
 | 1: Gene Summers 2: Jam Rock Band 3: Muleskinners [Finland] 4: The Black Devils
|  | Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki, Finland | 19 Nov 1983 | 0 | |
 | Moondogs Rock'n'Roll Weekend Hop
1: Flying Saucers 2: Jumpin' Paralyzers 3: The Rhythm Wheel Combo 4: The BopCats [Finland] 5: Black Devils [Finland] 6: Muleskinners [Finland] 7: Dynamites [Finland]
|  | Särkkä, Punkalaidun, Finland | 20 Aug 1983 | 0 | |