| 1: Frankie Ford 2: Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces 3: Johnny And The Roccos 4: Breathless [UK] 5: The Flying Saucers 6: The Rapiers 7: Red Hot 8: The Bel Airs 9: The Firebirds 10: Clive Osbourne And The Clearnotes 11: Rock Therapy 12: The Rockets 13: Johnny And The Moolighters 14: Twenty Flight Rock 15: Blue Cadillac
The 4th International Rock 'N' Roll Weekend |  | Ladbrokes Blue Waters Holiday Village, Weymouth, UK | 12 Oct 1984 | 0 | |
 | Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces
|  | Empire Theatre, Leeds, UK | 16 Nov 1957 | 0 | |
 | Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces
|  | Empire Theatre, Leeds, UK | 15 Nov 1957 | 0 | |
 | Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces
|  | Empire Theatre, Leeds, UK | 14 Nov 1957 | 0 | |
 | Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces
|  | Empire Theatre, Leeds, UK | 13 Nov 1957 | 0 | |
 | Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces
|  | Empire Theatre, Leeds, UK | 12 Nov 1957 | 0 | |
 | Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces
|  | Empire Theatre, Leeds, UK | 11 Nov 1957 | 0 | |
 | 1: Terry Dene With His Dene-Aces 2: Les Hobeaux 3: Ron Scott 4: Sammy Wilde And The Kari Kari Sisters 5: Pat Roza 6: Billy Maxam 7: Fred Lovelle 8: The Southlanders
|  | Empire Theatre, Chiswick, London, UK | 2 Sep 1957 | 0 | |