| 1: The Surfadelics 2: The Bugs
| | Hammersmith Clarendon, Downstairs, London, UK | 22 Jan 1988 | 0 | |
| 1: The X-Men 2: The Surfadelics
| | Sir George Robey, London, UK | 23 Jul 1987 | 0 | |
| 1: The Surfadelics 2: The Cannibals 3: The Bugs 4: The Purple Things 5: X Men 6: Bad Karma Beckons 7: The Milk Monitors 8: Some Sting Rays
| | Hammersmith Clarendon Ballroom, London, UK | 30 Apr 1987 | 0 | |
| 1: The Purple Things 2: The Cannibals 3: The X-Men 4: The Bugs 5: The Surfadelics 6: Bad Karma Beckons 7: The Milk Monitors 8: The Grizzelders
| | Hammersmith Clarendon Ballroom, London, UK | 30 Apr 1987 | 0 | |
| 1: The Purple Things 2: The Surfadelics 3: Lazy Daze
| | Sir George Robey, London, UK | 29 Oct 1986 | 0 | |
| 1: The Sting-Rays 2: The Deltas 3: The Surfadelics 4: The Highliners
Klub Foot | | Hammersmith Clarendon Ballroom, London, UK | 2 Aug 1986 | 0 | |
| 1: The Sting-Rays 2: The X-Men 3: The Cannibals 4: The Surfadelics
| | Underground, Croydon, London, UK | 15 May 1986 | 0 | |
| 1: The Prisoners 2: The Surfadelics 3: The Kick
| | Dingwalls, London, UK | 19 Nov 1985 | 0 | |
| 1: Guana Batz 2: The Vibes 3: The Surfadelics 4: The Turnpike Cruisers
Klub Foot | | Hammersmith Clarendon Ballroom, London, UK | 3 Aug 1985 | 0 | |
| The Surfadelics
| | Hammersmith Clarendon, Downstairs, London, UK | 28 Jun 1985 | 0 | |
| 1: Turkey Bones And The Wild Dogs 2: The Wolfhounds 3: The Surfadelics
The Trash Can | | Hammersmith Clarendon Ballroom, London, UK | 18 Dec 1984 | 0 | |
| 1: The Prisoners 2: The Surfadelics
| | Hammersmith Clarendon, Downstairs, London, UK | 28 Sep 1984 | 0 | |
| 1: The X-Men 2: The Vibes 3: The Surfadelics 4: Electric Grandmothers 5: Jasmine Minks
| | Jacksons Lane Community Centre, London, UK | 30 Jun 1984 | 0 | |
| 1: The Surfadelics 2: The Surfin' Lungs
| | Hammersmith Clarendon, Downstairs, London, UK | 13 Apr 1984 | 0 | |
| 1: The Vibes 2: The Surfadelics
| | Riverside Club, Fetcham, UK | 8 Mar 1984 | 0 | |
| 1: The Prisoners 2: The Surfadelics
The Garage | | Hammersmith Clarendon, Downstairs, London, UK | 17 Feb 1984 | 0 | |
| 1: The Sting-Rays 2: The Surfadelics
| | Pindar Of Wakefield, London, UK | 6 Feb 1984 | 0 | |
| 1: The Vibes 2: The Surfadelics
| | Hammersmith Clarendon, Downstairs, London, UK | 3 Feb 1984 | 0 | |