BiggieTembo-45worlds 6th May 2015 |  | Live MusicThe Rolling Stones @ Cardiff Arms Park (1990) | This concert should have taken place a week before, but due to Keith Richards’ damaged-finger issue, the concert was postponed. Good for me, as I was in Amsterdam and couldn't attend on the original date. My brother got me a ticket so I could see them when I got back to the UK :)
It was a very warm day. The gates opened about 3pm and as Kelley Jones confirms (see link below), outside the concert venue and throughout Cardiff there were many people already half-cut. I can’t recall when the Dan Reed Network started but it seemed a long wait. The grass surface of the Park had been covered in a kind of black rubber protective mat, which reflected the heat of the sun back into the crowd. By the time the Stones came on the light was fading, and I remember them looking smaller than I expected, even though I was four or five people from the front row. It was a great, loud concert. At one point a girl in front of me collapsed with the heat – just crumbled to the floor – people helped her up and the crowd’s outstretched hands transported her overhead to the front of the stage. Later on in the concert, I felt a great weight suddenly pushing down on my shoulder – it was someone walking on the crowd. He didn’t get very far – a few rows forward he came crashing down in an unseen gap.
Stones timeline info from this website:
July 10, 1990: Keith Richards is treated at a London hospital for a seriously infected finger and the Rolling Stones postone their next three concerts: one in Cardiff, Wales, and two more at Wembley Stadium. This is the first time in their history that the group has to postpone or cancel concerts because of illness.
July 14, 1990: The Rolling Stones, minus Keith Richards, host a party at The Serpentine Gallery in London, England, with Jeff Beck and Elton John among the guests.
July 16, 1990: The Rolling Stones resume the Urban Jungle tour with the rescheduled concert atCardiff's Arms Park, their first in Wales since 1966.
Memories of the gig by The Stereophonics’ Kelly Jones here
Setlist available here
BiggieTembo-45worlds 3rd May 2015 |  | Live MusicJohnny Gentle And His Group (Silver Beetles) @ Regal Ballroom (1960) | Re: my last comment - 'twas nought but a joke, Kab.
BiggieTembo-45worlds 29th Apr 2015 |  | Live MusicJohnny Gentle And His Group (Silver Beetles) @ Regal Ballroom (1960) | Hey Kab your pictures are simply fascinating. More please. But tell me something - how're you going to blag your way up on top of 3 Savile Row for the final rooftop concert venue photo ;-D
BiggieTembo-45worlds 10th Apr 2015 |  | Live MusicBlonde Redhead @ Store Vega (2010) | All done Auto - Stor Vega now added - thanks for the help - it was easy like you said ;-) BigT
BiggieTembo-45worlds 10th Apr 2015 |  | Live MusicBlonde Redhead @ Store Vega (2010) | Would love to, Auto, but I can't seem to figure out how to change just a venue without making a whole new entry... Can you advise? Ta, Bigs
BiggieTembo-45worlds 10th Apr 2015 |  | Live MusicStephen Malkmus And The Jicks @ Lille Vega (2014) | A good, lengthy gig. Although the E-Ticket displays the typeface for their Mirror Traffic LP, many of the songs came from the following Wigout At Jagbags LP. During the encore, the gig diverged into a medley of improvised cover versions which included many Pavement numbers.
A couple links 1 and 2 on You Tube for your aural pleasure
BiggieTembo-45worlds 10th Apr 2015 |  | Live MusicBlonde Redhead @ Store Vega (2010) | Venue moved from Lille Vega (Small Vega) to Stor Vega (Large Vega) due to popular demand (apparently... but the place was only half full). Blonde Redhead were touting the release of their LP Penny Sparkle. A disappointing gig. The artists seemed to be taking themselves too seriously. Support came from a band called Porcelain Raft, who were so good, they (to quote Spike Milligan) "left an indellible blank on my mind."