ppint. 25th Jan 2023
| | Reviewthe concert was brilliant: it's over fifty years now, but there's an image - much more than a mind's eye camera shot - that's forever etched in my most-valued memories:
central hall, purpose-designed concert venue for full orchestras, well-designed for the audience, mostly too, steeply inclined so everyone has clear sight-lines down to the stage; but this does mean you have to step carefully on the way down to the bar at the interval...
the lights had gone down after the end of one number, and the dim shapes of the figures of the band leaving the stage in the dark, and roadies moving instruments or mikes to their accustomed resting places for the musicians to pick up again after the interval, had all gone, so everything on stage'd stopped moving, and people in the audience were standing up, some starting to move down the steps of the aisles before the house lights are brought up, to get to the bar that's underneath the concert hall level before the queues start, a little buzz of conversations beginning...
- and the notes of a very simple repeating figure start from just one line on one guitar being played on the darkened stage...
- and - most - people slowly hush...
- and the guitar figure continues - and it's simple, but beautiful - and i don't think many people realise what it is, they're just mostly enchanted -
- and stood there, those as'd got up, or even onto the stairs - frozen, spellbound -
- and steve winwood's voice comes in, again, very, very simply:
- ''i'm looking for a girl who has no face: she has no name, or number...''
- and steve winwood's holding the entire audience spellbound, with yr hmbl srppnt. amongst them all, to the very last word, and the very last note of the guitar figure of single notes that he's been repeating, one after another without fail, or error, or change in rhythm or timing, or emphasis...
- and for maybe a clear minute - an entire clear minute - there isn't a sound. even from the bar.
- total silence.
- and then, initially very, very quietly, you can hear people begin to breathe again.
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