| 1: The Bunch 2: The Bourbon Street Six
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 13 Apr 1968 | 0 | |
| 1: The Blackjacks 2: The Impacts
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 28 May 1966 | 0 | |
| 1: Dave Berry And The Cruisers 2: The Trackmarks
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 28 Aug 1965 | 0 | |
| 1: Alex Harvey Soul Band 2: The Mystrians 3: The Valiants
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 21 Aug 1965 | 0 | |
| 1: Brian Poole And The Tremeloes 2: The Hobo's
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 14 Aug 1965 | 0 | |
| The Tallmen
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 9 May 1964 | 0 | |
| The Graduates
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 17 Jun 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Roy Young Band 2: Danny Davis 3: Glen Dale 4: Rod Ace And The Rapiers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 10 Jun 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Danny Storm 2: Baby Bubbly 3: Dave Da Costa 4: Mike West And The Silhouettes 5: The Falcons
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 2 Jun 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Cuddly Duddly 2: Red E. Lewis And The Redcaps 3: The Dowland Brothers And Roy Phillips
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 26 May 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Johnny Kidd And The Pirates 2: Danny Storm 3: Dave Da Costa 4: Baby Bubbly 5: Mike West And The Silhouettes
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 19 May 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Shirley Gaye 2: Buddy Britten 3: Glen Dale 4: Dave Gray 5: Rod Ace And The Rapiers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 12 May 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Cy Laurie's Jazz Band 2: Mick Steele's New Orleans Jazz Band
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 6 May 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Danny Raven Ad His Renegades 2: Dave Anthony And The Ravers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 5 May 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: The Dowland Brothers And Roy Phillips 2: The Falcons
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 29 Apr 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Danny Hunter 2: Brian Fisher 3: Shirley Gaye And The Strangers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 14 Apr 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Danny Storm 2: Dave Da Costa 3: Baby Bubbly 4: Colin Angel And The Strollers 5: The Dowland Brothers And Roy Phillips
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 7 Apr 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Buddy Britten 2: Glen Dale 3: Dave Gray 4: Ricky Fever 5: Johnny Clifton And The Rapiers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 1 Apr 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Brian Fisher 2: Shirley Gaye 3: The Keytones 4: The Dowland Brothers And Roy Phillips
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 17 Mar 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Danny Storm 2: Dave Da Costa 3: Baby Bubbly 4: Colin Angel And The Strollers 5: Dave Anthony And The Ravers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 10 Mar 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Vince Taylor And The Playboys 2: The Falcons
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 3 Mar 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Mike Glover 2: The Dowland Brothers And Roy Phillips
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 24 Feb 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Danny Storm 2: The Dowland Brothers And Roy Phillips 3: Baby Bubbly 4: Dave Da Costa And The Strollers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 13 Jan 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Screaming Lord Sutch 2: Buddy Britten 3: Carol Laine And The Ramrods
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 6 Jan 1961 | 0 | |
| 1: Glen Dale 2: Buddy Britten 3: Ricky Fever 4: Carol Laine 5: Rod Ace And The Cavaliers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 9 Dec 1960 | 0 | |
| 1: The Flee-Reckers 2: The Dowland Brothers 3: Roy Phillips
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 18 Nov 1960 | 0 | |
| 1: The Dowland Brothers 2: Roy Phillips And The Ramrods 3: Colin Angel And The Strollers
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 11 Nov 1960 | 0 | |
| 1: Tommy Bruce 2: Nelson Keene 3: Johnny Gentle 4: Duffy Power 5: Kenny Roberts Group
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 14 Sep 1960 | 0 | |
| 1: Danny Storm 2: Rory Blackwell 3: Buddy Britten Trio 4: Colin Angel And The Choirboys
| | Drill Hall, Bournemouth, UK | 29 Apr 1960 | 0 | |