| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator | looks a little like it!
...Just got my copy of Blues Pills delivered today... Yippieeeee!!!!!
'tis lovely. Careful slit down side of shrink wrap, shuffled album out, spent twenty glorious minutes handling it and examining (not many sleeve notes!), now determined to but record player!!!
... Which brings me to my next point... advice required:
Finally went in the charity shop located only two streets away from me, and after buying up some lovely cheap digipak CDs, and seeing no good vinyl (Charity shops have been picked clean of all good stuff since I last frequented them some twenty years ago (everyone cottoned on I suppose, that if anything by the Beatles, Stones, Floyd etc. walks in the door, it goes immediately on ebay... ah well, good luck to them!), I took a gamble and asked if anyone had brought a record player in recently...
... The very helpful woman there said she thought so, to my delight, and I promptly zoomed over to it's location like some kind of cartoon character (Peeyow! -gun shot noise).
I wasn't expecting much to be honest, thought it would likely be one of those old music stations with a cassette deck, that used to sit on my gran's side table...
but it was an Acoustic Solutions DR 130, belt drive, fully automatic.
...It has been there for a while apparently, and while it's not anything to to make you pee your pants about, if it's cheap, and I can hook it up to my Sony CD recorder, it could unlock all that delightful music I still have on vinyl (thence transferred to Hard-drive). I tested the buttons, and gave it a quick scan over, but wondered what the feeling was about buying such kit from charity shops:
Should I ask them to plug it in and spin it?
Check fuse in plug?
I just want to know if it's a sound bet, and what the protocols are with buying a deck from charity shops before I let it loose on some of my precious (and in some cases valuable (as it turns out, to my surprise and pleasure) in some instances, vinyl)
Should I trust the stylus straight off, or buy a new one before even attempting to play?
... Or is it a total turkey, to be left in the shop?
(Oh... and did shuffle album back in shrink wrap successfully... the work of many moments!)