| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator | Welcome to Record Collectors Anonymous!
The Internet can be fantastic for data, but poor on information if you get my meaning... hence sites like this.
You will of course be nudged by others toward the Rare Record Price Guide (If you have British Records), and the Goldmine book for valuations, but it will drive you nuts when you discover that some records you believe might "be something" turn out to be both priceless and worthless all at the same time!
Depending on whose info you use.
There's vinyl economies which seem to be worlds unto themselves... There's what I call:
Amazonics: the economics of Amazon: unfathomable algorithms driving the prices through the roof for the gullible.
Ebanomics: The Economics of Ebay where "rare" items congregate in such numbers as to apparently defy the term "rare" and but for a few "items of the moment", linger at list price values and remain largely unsold for extended periods of time while others knock them out cheap to undercut these optimistic souls.
Then finally, there's:
Ebazonics: The relationship of these two previous micro economies to each other (whereby new stuff is bought by the ton from Amazon and marked up for auction on ebay, and old and rarer records are bought from Ebay and marked up exponentially for listing on the Amazon market.
But not wishing to veer off topic:
Popsike is the most accurate as it displays actual sales.
Regards those Columbias I did a quick gander of Gipsy Smith discography by sticking it in my Google hole and searching it, and came across this site:
Gipsy Smith
Don't know if it's your guy, but if it is, it could be something of interest to them, or who could provide you with info.
But as everyone will say here... make sure you scan and submit entries here for anything we don't already have!
Edited by moderator on 8th Aug 2022, 6:12 PM |