| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3747 Points Moderator | When looking at anything historical ( records in the most literal sense), you're bound to run into this quandry sooner or later... But that's what they are: records.
Most would feel distinctly uneasy about them, but I personally feel just as uneasy about the modern inclination to "Airbrush" history. Either by modifying and amending things like this (Dishonest), or ignoring them, and pretending they don't exist (Not necessarily dihonest, but certainly Dangerous).
I often wonder what the point of all those monuments commemorating those events is, if we ignore the phrase most often inscribed on them:
"Lest We Forget".
If you allow these things to fall away unnoticed, even... no, ESPECIALLY the bad things, there is precisely the danger of this warning (as well as rememberance as an act of gratitude) going unheeded, and open the door to the possibility of them happening again.
But it's easy to see the concern here, when the general climate of popular sensibility is to express furoious misplaced outrage over concepts that it seems to me, they have failed to grasp: Presentation and promotion of an idea or fact are two entirely separate things.
I watch the news every day, I do not presume that the newsreader is a member of ISIS because they report on them, and do not express a view one way or the other.
It seems if this is the standard, there'll be very little left of history or records for anyone to present, over and above what TopPopper acurately observes, shall we pretend that nobody used to smoke, or that attitudes in times gone by were anything less than of the highest moral scruples?
formerly popular entertainers and disc jockeys etc. of the seventies and so on?
Imagine those inexplicable gaps in the catalogue:
"Mummy/Daddy, why does the Decca catalouge of records jump five spaces to the next one?"
Twenty years form now:
"What's the problem with these Nazis mummy, history doesn't show anything about them?"
"...erm, that's because we erased it all... so it never happened"".
Boy the world sucks doesn't it?!!!