| Trainman
Trainman Member since Jun 2014 2559 Points Moderator | I did try and do some research on "Our Times" records, there appears to actually be three records like this, (according to Discogs) and they appear to be manufactured by a company called "Golden State Records", which from their other releases seemed to be something of a psychedelic "avant garde" label out of San Francisco in the late 60's, somewhat similar to "ESP Discs". I couldn't find anything further, for once Google has let me down.
I don't know if I still have them, I'd have to dig, but I know at one time I had several 78's that were actually German releases of some of these same songs from the actual period. Would they provoke the same kind of reaction?
The other side of the same coin, I know I had at least one from the 50's on the "Stinson" label that was by the Red Army Chorus (Stinson was infamous for
their left leaning ideology). Would that be the same issue?
Are our Japanese members going to be offended by all the "Victory At Sea" soundtrack albums I added yesterday?
You can find someone who'll be offended by anything you put up. Maybe we should ban all the Ruth Wallis and Rusty Warren records because of their sexual overtones? It's just like Disney has never reissued the film "Song Of The South" because they're afraid of racial backlash. Should we ban the books of Mark Twain because he used the "N" word?
The fact is, this stuff is out there, and as somebody else said, it's probably better to let people know, rather than try to pretend it never happened.
It was George Santayana who said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
Edited by Trainman on 8th Feb 2015, 2:36 PM |