| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator | Another thought occurs...
If, let's say, you came across a turqouise lettered sleeve, but no record, that would be exciting enough in itself wouldn't it?
And as you would be even more unlikey to ever come across a Superhype record without sleeve than you would to find a complete Turquoise lettered/Superhype album... what would you do with it if you wanted to sell it?
Would you just sell the sleeve by itself, house a newer record in it and simply state in the listing that you're offereing it this way, or try to sell it as a complete original?
It could well e the case here... but that's not to say that the person offering it knew of the incongruity when they bought it (switched by the person they themselves bought it from), or, to entertain a new possibility.... that this copy was made right on the cusp of the transition between the Truquoise and orange sleeves, and the new labels... that new labelled record was placed in remaining stock of sleeves.
(See Pink Floyd: The Wall, where I have two copies, one, a single piece constructed first press sleeve, and another, which is first press in all respects except te two piece constuction of the sleeve... a moment of transition, if you will, between the first and second presses).
That nobody has ever seen this Led Zep record in this sleeve may not be indicative of the possibility of it's existence, as such a cross over point would necessarily be so brief as to have only a very few copies like it.
Just putting that out there (though the labels on that listing do look too clean and crisp to me still... and this doesn't match the sleeve wear)