| biffbampow
Member since Jan 2013 65 Points |
Neil Forbes wrote:
Biffbampow, you've hit the nail on the head! Universal(MCA) seems hell-bent on owning the recording(mechanical) and sheet music rights to everything ever recorded, even if it means gulping down BMG, Sony, Warner, Festival(Australia) and any other company they can get their ever-so-greedy hands on, then Google will just gulp the lot down in one byte...er.. bite! But seriously, this needs to be stopped, even if draconian measures are brought in to do so. As for marketing music. the internet SHOULD PLAY ABSOLUTELY NO PART WHATSOEVER! Music should be sold exclusively by the good old "bricks & mortar" shop in the high street, whether its on CD or vinyl, or even cassettes(let's face it, the mini-disc system, while useful in community radio stations for corporate sponsorship spots or station promo's and identification spots, never really "took off" as a medium for music distribution, did it?). At least that way, gainful employment could be offered to those who have a passion for music in any genre.
Thank you for the compliment and making me realise I'm not alone in how I think and feel about these issues.
Sadly, I hate to admit it but the 21st Century has sucked BIG TIME as far as music goes... and not just the music itself but the way it's marketed, manufactured, hyped and treated as mere "product" hence why the big swallow ups keep going on until it's owned by just one company.
19 years ago I was featured in my then local paper burying a time capsule and in there was a music magazine I bought which discussed the possibilities of this emerging "internet thing" - my predictions to the paper were way off the mark since I stated it would be great for musicians. I was wrong.
Napster was the BIG moment where the music industry screwed up BIG TIME. Napster was people's message to the music industry that they felt ripped off and the way the industry reacted was absurd. The way the same incompetents have reacted to Google's blatant disregard of copyright is shameful. Then there's the digital music scam as many older artistes were alarmed by shrinking royalty statements. Sure, they're selling downloads and generating revenue from streams BUT the music corporates waved their old contracts at them and pointed out "there's no mention of downloads or digital streaming so you're entitled to NOTHING" has sent out the worst possible message. And what do they invest in? The same old crap - stuff for teens and if you're older, hey here's "Dark Side Of The Moon" for the 348th time.
What I've been mortified to witness - I'm a singer and songwriter - is how Creativity has become completely devalued. Once upon a time it was possible to make some kind of a living but now? Impossible. You sell one CD, one bozo rips and "shares" it online with the help of Google and you're not getting any sales. Toss in the "pay to play" scam, to be a musician now is futile if you want to play original music. What... you want to make some money to help pay for costs? Recording doesn't come cheap, neither does making product but everybody now expects you to do everything for FREE. How am I gonna afford to eat, let alone pay to make a new demo?
As for "passion", I know I'm in good company across these 45worlds. I know most who contribute have that passion because we all grew up with it when music really was IMPORTANT. Now, it's just a disposable commodity and treated as aural wallpaper. Who actually sits down and listens to an album all the way through without multitasking? I do... I like to sit down, put on a good album and for the next 40 odd minutes that gets nothing but my complete attention. Unfortunately these days, I doubt most youngsters do that... Farcebook and Twitter are far more important. Attention spans have become almost non-existent.
The times they are a changing and unfortunately the way things have "progressed" in the 21st Century so far, the future looks ever bleaker as far as creativity and music goes. I'm just glad I was able to enjoy what I did when music actually mattered.