| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3778 Points Moderator | I'm beginning to wonder if the dates for the picture labels and original label mock ups are actually 1990 onwards.
One other thing I've noted, through looking at the pattern of the cat sequences... Fame did not release anything in the month of December, and where a few here give a date before about March or April, I'm wondering if they are right, because most of the issues in the new year's resumption begin in one of those two months (I'd go for March, being the earlier).
I think what needs to happen (and I might try this myself, but feel free to have a go yourselves), is a chart should be made, which shows, as a starting point, every possible Fame cat number in sequence, then try and create a list of album titles to match them...
Next to that you put the original album release date , and then any reissues on other labels (which would render the Fame reissue of that title redundant), finally, you have columns and rows for the different label types, which you tick next the title in question - whether it is known to exist in brown with hatching, yellow hatched, picture etc.
Through this, I think you'd build a picture whereby one set of facts confirms or discounts others (For instance, the Japan album is the only one that is that far out of sequence with it's current date, when measured against the dates for other Fame reissues).
And one more observation, would be that none seem to be released within two years of the original album's release.