| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3778 Points Moderator | Oh dear lord, what a can of woims I've opened with this label!
Just for fun, I thought I'd pick a title from the catalogue as a kind of case study, to see what kind of labels would be on it...
I chose Pink Floyd's Piper at the gates of Dawn.
and I've noticed something.
What I (and I think we) have been thinking is that the earliest light brown with red grid is simply the early label... and indeed, I was initially pleased just to see this label on Piper...
Then I noticed the Coloured Vinyl editions of it on Fame, so far a Red vinyl, Green Vinyl, and a Grey Vinyl (This last colour, along with a yellow vinyl is available on the two box Columbia label too)...
But I noticed the "light brown" label wasn't "light brown", but actually white, with red grid.
So I looked at other labels I previous thought were light brown, but turn out to be actually white, with red grid, along side other copies which do have light brown with red grid.
The difference in these two labels in terms of tone, is muinute, and could easily be put down to a scanning difference, or trick of the light, but I am sure it is a separate label type now.... so where on earth that will end up fitting in the scheme, and what it does to the other label is anybody's guess at the moment!
So we have a light brown with red grid (commonest type), white label with red grid, yellow label with red grid, plain light brown, a darker plain Brown, and then original label reproduction labels....
... and I hadn't even thought about coloured vinyls (Please say there are no picture discs!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!