| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3747 Points Moderator | Hello chaps... had a day out on the hunt yesterday.
(wasn't the best day to be walking 10 miles in that heat, but I had fun! ((till I got home and felt the effects))
Went in a local independent record shop and bought.... Lionheart (original, not Fame though), so that made me happy... as well as another unusual coincidence:
I found a Fame issue in the bin very near this: Gerry Rafferty - Sleepwalking, which Initially made my heart drop, as I couldn't remember having searched for this, so thought it meant I'd made an error. But I made a mental note of the particulars of this issue and when I got back, discovered happily, it was one of the missing issues in the sequence!
So I've amended the list to include this at 41 3113 1.
It was also on a Liberty reproduction label.
I'm going to try and scan in the Steppenwolf cover today, and I've printed off my list, with space to other particulars, so might take a little while to get through that.
But I have to say I'm getting a sense of this label now, and am getting a feeling about what this process is going to turn up through the facts....
The important thing initially is to forget the label design, when talking about the original issue of any of the Fame issues, as the whole discography is like a central stream into which titles come in, and some go out of press over time.
So a very popular title that was first issued very early, may have all (or pretty much all) the label variants, signifying it was constantly in press from first issue...
Others may not have fared so well, and will not be found on any other label variants due to a discontinuation of press (later, the label variants for any given title will bear this out), but it will be possible, once the label design dates are established, to see is a particular label variants is absent, but ought to exist... if the title jumps one in the chronology
(unless of course, it was discontinued on the early label, and wasn't re-pressed until two labels later, due to the artist releasing a new work that would increase interest in their back catalogue, which will be a conundrum in itself).
But I begin to think the move from the early light brown red grid labels to the final state original reproduction labels happened in rather short time frame, and in rapid succession, as they cast about for ways to freshen the designs... This is because I find a lot of the early state labels appear on titles appearing quite late in the sequence (cat wise), probably until the reversion to the 41-1 -less cat numbers, maybe 87 (?), and the yellow labels (and the white-grid), de-grid-ed light brown, and plain dark brown labels mark a period of new presses from about here on to say 88 or 89, when they finally settle on the original labels.
So some of these labels were very brief phenomena.
But we'll see.
I'll just muster the energy now and crack on.