| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3745 Points Moderator | No, you're not alone in this.
I like a good bit of sex and violence myself
...But the idea of there being a time and place appropriate for it is the key I think. I just like to know what I'm going to get when I watch a particular show at a particular time, so I can judge for myself, that's all.
And so would anyone else (not least parents).
And this is the problem these days, on the one hand there's a sexualisation in the broadest sense, not just in terms of physical relationships, but "beautification" and objectification as the major component of identity to be found in programmes aimed at younger audiences, but I can't watch a film aimed at an adult at midnight on tv anymore without those pitiful disclaimers, telling me there may be such content included beofre it starts.
So the problem seems to me that in our recent efforts to infantalise every aspect of life at all hours, we treat the adults like kids, and the kids like adults, as the innapropriate content "bleeds out" into areas it ought not be.... both ways ( )
Recently I've noticed Channel 5 here in the UK showing films they used to show later in the evening in the early afternoon... and nobody says a bloomin' thing!
Let's start treating kids as kids again, and once they've gone to bed, let the adults be adults.
(The word that seems to have slipped out of our modern vocabulary that we used to gauge the level of appropriateness of any given content was "gratuitous (-ness)"... is it relevant, in context, and appropriate to the particular audience at the given hour)
((Who are these people who complain when they settle down in the sofa to watch a film at one in the morning on Film 4 and see things there fragile sensibilities can't take... go to bed!))
rant over.