| plocky45
Member since Aug 2012 2813 Points | Lots of valid comments here.
I suppose the beauty of this site is that there is a desire to gradually get things right; hopefully accuracy will increase over time as a result of the accumulated contributions of site members.
From a personal point of view, I have become less ready to take the European option without some thought. With CD singles, I found that there were often, for example, European equivalent versions of UK issues. To some extent this applies with CD albums. Perhaps, there is need for sight members to not simply accept the country information on sight, but add a note/comment if they have purchased a CD in a particularly country as a standard issue, and this affects the designated country. If I see a CD with a German country of issue, but I've bought the same in HMV UK as a standard release, then I feel obliged to add a comment with a view to changing it to 'Europe'. Import sticker is also worth noting.
In general, I would decide the country of issue on the basis of place of purchase, wording on the CD, fan sites, country chart information and even ebay. The latter might confirm whether a particular CD was widely distributed, whether there were other issues, even show up sticker information.
There are some anomalies of course, Asia (a Sony Music Distribution Asia release is likely to be 'International'), Australasia, and the Gulf States, to name few.
Overall, I am happy enough with matters, acknowledging the difficulties involved; the system perhaps just needs tweaking with some tidying up.