| Apollo59
the future ain't what it used to be Member since Feb 2013 459 Points | There's no doubt about it that the Mods do a grand job.
However, I get the impression a few aren't as clued-up than a few others as a number of corrections that I have requested lie dormant and largely ignored. (Maybe it depends upon who is "on duty".)
I very impertinently questioned this and was slapped down with a wet kipper for being "rude" and threatened with "read-only" site use.
I concur with the previous comment on the basis that the originator of an entry should have the facility to go back and make any necessary corrections.
There's also a great deal of disparity with original entries. Some posters simply don't understand the origination of a disc - CD's in particular. The country of origin issue with UK, European and International has reached proportions of a comedy of errors. Seriously, if we can't get the CD's issued by the likes of Paul McCartney right, what hope is there for lesser mortals?
We really need a Mod who knows the score here back to front.
I've only just started making entries, having done the easy stuff first - Singles on several formats, which was tiresome enough. I've just started entering CD's and it's made all the harder with a poor search engine flagging up titles that are completely irrelevant, a host of poorly entered catalogue numbers and incorrect country of origin. We have posters "inventing" CD titles, for example, The Beatles 1962-1966 listed as (Red Album) - Really? Hence, why I could not find it and not particularly willing enough to trawl through all 44 pages of Beatles' repetition. My stupidity probably, as I should really just forget Titles and just only search Cat nos.
Anyway, with another 6,000 plus titles to wade through, I should be done by about 2020.