| kab2112 SUBS
Wales, where men are men and sheep are nervous Member since Jan 2011 15478 Points Moderator | I have about 400-500 live shows on CD, the majority of which are bootlegs across a range of rock acts.- all in proper jewel cases - single-double-triple-4 way up to 6 way. All come with artwork or set lists.
Recently I have started "digitising" them by transferring them onto a hard drive in MP3 format, as I now need the space that they take up.
Most of these have come from trades with like minded souls from the UK, Europe, USA and some from the Southern Hemisphere. We traded on a one-for-one basis where we would copy and post the discs out, and e-mail any artwork, setlists etc. This arrangement ceased about 3 years ago by mutual consent, although I'm still in touch with some of the guys.
The main artists are - Gov't Mule and others such as The Allman Brothers Band - Warren Haynes, Phil Lesh - Marc Ford - String Cheese Incident and some others.
Many of the Gov't Mule and Warren Haynes stuff has been gotten from Mulezone (offical site) where you pay to download the shows on FLAC format, then burn onto disc. The Majority are Gov't Mule & Warren Haynes.
We all agreed that we would not make any money by selling, and I will stick to that principle. These shows on CD now need a new home and I am prepared to give them away free as a job lot (no picking & choosing) on a buyer collects only basis. I will NOT post any out under any circumstances.
If you are interested let me know and it's first come first served as I won't keep them unless someone is on the way to collect them. All shows are stacked in boxes