| ppint.
Member since Aug 2012 6452 Points | toppopper: s/the entire continent/the entire eu/ and, excluding a certain period after a country's joining the eu, granted by negotiation for them to adjust (which differs, or may differ, from industry to industry) - aka to "achieve harmonisation" - (and which may differ from one country's accession to the eu, to the next); and (probably) excluding strictly local issues of recordings which never enter the national distribution system of a country; and - fairly importantly - probably excluding territorial licences issued prior to the relevant country's/ies' accession to the eu; "yes, almost certainly."
the system of separating british empire (as was) (including or not including canadada) english-language rights, usalien/merkin (not including or including canadada) english-language rights, yeurppean (n.b. not "eec", "ec" or "eu") english-language rights (often by individual country or grouping of usually smaller countries), and "open market" english-language rights, is a 19th century c.e. system that the world of recorded music inherited from the world of book & pamphlets(including sheet music)-publishing: it worked more-or-less whilst shellac 78s and later vinyl 45 singles, eps & lps remained the dominant format, and relatively cheap to manufacture, but expensive to transport.
it started breaking down in the 80s (or late seventies - @philmh can give a firmer date/window), as the industry centralised manufacture, especially of the new cd format which required expensive new plant, but whose products were extremely cheap to produce and to transport: and the licencing of territorial rights to recordings hasn't fully caught up yet - and already cds are becoming at least a secondary format for the distribution of recorded music, if not quite yet obsolescent...
- but the strictly one-nation or small group of nations cd does still exist - as do one nation singles and lps - it's part of what makes trying to come up with a good, sufficiently flexible and intelligible 45worlds system for the things so bloody impossible^W^W interesting. . .
Edited by ppint. on 1st Jun 2017, 6:45 PM |