| Lee Wrecker
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points | To the whistler and Quad5point1. In my opening piece on this thread I suggested what could be considered a combination of both your ideas. It does however also take into account products that were manufactured in a country/region but only released in a different country/region. This was my initial breakdown of how we could approach listing CDs for those who missed it first time around.
1. Made In Country/Region + Marketed in the same Country/Region = Listed as from that Country/Region
2. Made In Country/Region + Marketed in a different Country/Region = Listed as from a different Country/Region (ie. EU made UK releases)
3. Made In Country/Region + Marketed in multiple Countries/Regions = Listed as from Country/Region but available in other countries/regions by selecting from an international list of countries contained in a dropdown menu on the listing page.
I've restated these ideas as a lot of similar notions seem to be being floated by contributors to this thread by people that may have not seen my opening post on this issue. I might add that I thought about this for a good 6 months before coming up with what looks like an overly simplistic way forward. My aim was to try and accommodate as many types of releases in as few categories as possible. I still think there is the bones of a way forward here after reading all the contributions to the thread so far.
Edited by Lee Wrecker on 10th Aug 2017, 6:46 AM |