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Member since Aug 2012 6388 Points | "collection"
a bound book of works by a single author, or a single collaboration (or, occasionally, by a number of collaborations all including one particular author (e.g. "partners in wonder" by harlan ellison and others); but some may regard this as an anthology, q.v.).)
a bound book of works by a number of different authors, or collaborations of authors:
i "reprint anthology"
an anthology collecting works previously published elsewhere, or mostly or largely published elsewhere, including in newspapers, journals, magazines, chapbooks, original anthologies.
ii "original anthology"
an anthology collecting works previously unpublished elsewhere, or almost entirely unpublished elsewhere, often solicited or commissioned directly from their authors by the editor or editors of the original anthology, who are typically (but not always) commissioned by the original publishers of the first edition of the original anthology to supply the contents, introductions, comment, illustrations (if any) ready for typesetting.
- usage includes reprints, reissues and new editions of the first edition of the original anthology as a whole, in different editions, bindings, translations; but does not include anthologies of selective reprints, even if all be selected from one particular original anthology series: such are regarded as reprint anthologies (e.g. "the best of new writings in sf" edited by e. j. carnell, the reprint anthology selected by him from the first four volumes of the original anthology series he edited for dennis dobson & for corgi books/transworld publishers ltd, "new writings in sf)