| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator | Had a look at your page, and there is no reason you should not be able to add anything.
Very often, I find the most frustrating problems with my computer stem from simple issues... Updates from Microsoft usually at the root of it, when they disrupt your settings.
The most common, and simplest one is when they reset the clock, or calendar to the wrong date, and so no certificates are valid, and access is denied. You may look at the time, and it is correct, but the date may be set to 2001.
Or, it could be an additional feature in the updates, or something they have switched on or off that conflicts with something else.
But logically, if you can access other parts and pages of the site with your computer, and using different browsers and computers, but not that particular page, and yet others can, it may be that somehow you accidentally blocked that page, so as far as your internet provider is concerned, you may have flagged it as unsafe or something... so check you haven't added it as a dodgy.
Another thing you might try, is to add your CDs (Just a few, to prove the point) under a different country - we can always change the country one added - at the very least, this will prove that you can add CDs - that they can be created and accepted by you, using your computers and browsers - this will help localise the issue even further.