| Lee Wrecker
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points | It seems that there is some consensus among site users and MODS on how to go about dealing with this issue on the site. However, there are also some problems that will need to be ironed out once we start. I'm not going to go into what the solutions are as they have really been foreshadowed in the previous posts and forums. Rather, I'm going to address some specific problems that are occurring now because of the multitude of different methods currently being used to enter CDs on the site at the moment. These problems have also migrated to Vinyl Albums world as the resurgence in vinyl sales has been dealt with by the major industry players with a continuation of the practices used for CD distribution.
I personally requested this album be made international in order to meet the site guidelines. However, the album was only manufactured in the USA and in the EU surely the site can accommodate two listings EU and USA for this album. Surely both issues were not available in both territories. Currently, a suggested way of dealing with issues such as this has been adding something along the lines of "also released in ....." to the notes. This should only be used as a temporary measure until a better way of listing such releases comes forward. In the case of the Bowie album above it was obviously not only released in the EU and USA. It is available here in Australia (et al) but I don't personally know which version because my copy was ordered from the USA.
So here is the next problem, under the current guidelines this album is listed correctly but it does not show up in the database if you search by country. Therefore, you cannot see either of the two versions of the album listed as connected to their primary market territory. This renders the database next to useless and is further complicated by the fact that both albums will have also been officially released in different territories - the USA version most likely was released in Canada and the EU release most likely released in Australia. I think most of us want an accurate database that shows all of these idiosyncrasies and doesn't just consign items to the "catch all" category of international.
Conflicts between site users are heating up over this issue as can be seen here and we need to deal with this issue now before this sort of thing becomes commonplace. There has, over the years, been a huge amount of correspondence going on in the background about this issue but so far no changes to the guidelines. Everyone agrees that they need to change but when they do they need to take all of this into account. Whether the changes come in a wholesale sweep or incrementally as the site Admins need to adjust things is immaterial but one thing is certain and that is changes need to made and the sooner the better.
Edited by Lee Wrecker on 23rd Aug 2019, 1:41 AM |