| scrough🍰
No picture 'cos I'm not into 45rpm :( Member since Jan 2013 3428 Points Moderator | A recent comment by Bamboo on Zono 1665 asked moderators to sort two Zonophone double-sided label variants by date. Although one of the moderators has done this nominally, the true answer is not clear cut.
'Zonophone-The Twin' labels were in use from June 1911 to June 1920 according to Frank Andrews' Double-sided Zono book. They were then replaced by 'HMV Dog' trademark labels.
The original label design featured the serial number centrally below the centre hole; the later variation had the serial on the left hand side. However the two label variations both appeared throughout the label's pressings period until Zono 1910 in Feb 1919. Frank Andrews writes this:
From 587 to 611 the Serial-Number was placed at the left-hand-side of the label and 'Product Of' was omitted from the legend. There was a reversion to the original, from No. 612, with 1910 being the highest to have it so. However at 1590, the serial appeared at the left hand side again and future issues shared both positions for the serial numbers, with the left-hand side becoming more dominant until, at No.1911, onwards, all labels showed left-hand position until a change in the label.
Given the length of time that these records remained in the catalogue (eg Zono 2 first issued on Twin in Aug 1908 shows a post Nov 1926 label), the 'Serial' position cannot be used to determine the label age with any confidence.
Edited by scrough on 14th Jun 2020, 5:45 PM |