| Magic Marmalade
If you're not lost... It's not an adventure! Member since Jun 2014 3774 Points Moderator | I have not looked at Crowbar yet, but in general, I think all mods try to adjust band name distinctions to keep in line with 45 cat, where, of course, they exist.
...But it must be remembered that 45 cat is older than 45worlds, and has had a lot more time, work, and development gone into it, and even when it comes to worlds within Worlds, the same is true: Vinyl albums is more developed than other media worlds such as tape media, which needs more work.
(We're going at CD worlds at the moment as much as we can)
There will be, and are, many things that just haven't been gotten around to yet, to greater or lesser degrees, depending on where you're looking.
Also, remember that mods and members may favour a certain type of media, and spend more time in one than another(s), so they might not be aware of differences between worlds - we'll get to it, but that's why we rely on members to submit corrections when they become aware of something that needs changing, because the site(s) draws on he collective pool of individual expertise and knowledge to help make a reliable database...
No one individual knows everything about everything.
I think, as well, admin have said many times that they work off the premise that this (they) is a UK based site, and favours that, not least for purely practical reasons, in that you have to have one fixed point, or set of points of reference, to which everything else is relative.
...Now.... which band should I look at next? :) 