| zamla_71
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points | Back again with a few more questions!
1. Why is the Publisher changed on my subs?
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is changed to 20th Century Fox, Universal Pictures (Nordic) AB is changed to Universal and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment AB is changed to Warner Bros.
The Publishers is correct for the exact release i add and all of a sudden they are changed.
How come?
If you gonna respond with (a. pedantic details or b. like to keep it simple) don't bother to answer cause that is the usual answer around here then a subject that you don't like comes up.
Just Fox or CBS/Fox seems to be OK to use, even if they are wrong.
Fox Video and CBS/Fox Video is the corrrect ones to use as a publisher.
20th Century Fox, Universal, Warner Bros. etc,etc could and should be used in Cinema world instead (cause they are the studios that made the film) and use the real Publishers in this World.
2. Why do you allow subs in this world without any pics, cat# or Barcode in this world?
We strongly request that you also submit an image of the record you're adding. This helps us verify the entry and makes the website more interesting!
If the year isn't on the label then please try a quick google search. Records added without images and without dates can be difficult to verify by our moderators!
End Quote.
I know, The quote is taken from 45Cat world, but is it easier for your Moderators to verify a release in this world without Pics, Cat# or Barcodes?
Don't think so, and yet this World is full of thousand releases without this info.
Take the movie Sleepy Hollow as an example.
3 different USA Discs released in 2000 exist in the database. 2 with different Barcodes, but the third got nothing, no pics, no barcode or cat#.
How do we know that the third one isn't the same as one of the other releases?
A collector got no use for a sub like that, nor does the curious or the Critics as promised in the banner of the 45 World.