| Lee Wrecker
If you can't dig me, you can't dig nothin' Member since Nov 2013 2283 Points | I thought One Little Indian would be considered a UK independent label i.e. Rough Trade, Creation and Domino and therefore all releases be UK and none EU due to its status as an independent label. This should apply regardless of place of manufacture. The global nature of "so called" independent labels is also of concern with many like One Little Indian have branches in the USA or even further afield. The best example would be XL which while a UK independent label it has a truly global distribution network that delivers products with same label, cat# and barcode throughout the world. They are in fact more international than the majors as are all the sub-labels within the XL cartel (which includes Third Man, Mute, 4AD et al).
I have bought UK/EU made product from Domino's outlet in California which makes for some tricky decisions when entering such items. As I say the independents are more international than the majors. The Dutch based Disky label could be considered a pioneer in in this field as they managed to get their product in shops all over the globe while remaining an independent label.
One Little Indian is a tricky one though mainly due to the split global rights of Chris Blackwell's (does he still own it?) Island label and the involvement Polydor for certain parts of the world. Now let's get onto UMG and the Parlophone catalogue. Well, no let's not but the same thing applies but just with a certain band that has different treatment to rest of the catalogue.