| mikewn
Member since Sep 2020 7964 Points | Double check film title names as well as cast member names on other sites besides IMDB like the native language's wikipedia entry for a film. I've noted that IMDB is horrible about misspelling many characters for languages such as Turkish, where I lived a good portion of my life in earlier years. They leave out cedillas in letters and have S and c characters instead of Ş and Ç that are the proper spelling for some of these credits when there are also S and C characters in that language too. If we get it right and IMDB gets it wrong, more of that country's media owners will come to this site for info perhaps in some cases rather than IMDB. Note that a film I double-checked the Turkish Wikipedia source for proper spelling of credits here:
and the way IMDB spells them on its page here...
It's one thing to not have native language spellings of languages like Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. where Romanized spellings of title and character names help people pronounce these terms when they don't know the native language, but for languages like Turkish, if IMDB were really trying to "romanize" the spellings of these credit names like "Sadullah Şentürk", they should spell that name Sadullah Shentürk instead of Sadullah Sentürk the way IMDB has misspelled that name, so that people pronounce it properly the way it should be in Turkish. So IMDB is wrong, but 45 Worlds can do these spellings right. I'm guessing similar problems are also present in other languages of films they have online too. When keep some native characters spelled with alternate characters but don't with others, it creates problems.