| zamla_71
ask little, receive alot! Member since Jul 2020 3081 Points |
Orbiting Cat wrote:
"Edition" seems like a good suggestion to DVD & Blu-ray World.
What type of editions would be needed? Examples such as:
Director's Edition
Special Edition
Extended Edition
Unrated Edition
Deluxe Edition
What other types of edition would be needed?
Any progress in this?
Just asking cause there are several releases in the DVD/Blu-Ray world with an "Edition" in the Title field.
If you add anything else but the exact Title of the Film it won't match to Cinema world. (Unless you use the more Titles field). The More Titles Field is really for adding several releases in a Box Set, i've been told. So already here we are doing wrong as we use it to connect Foreign Titles to the Cinema World.
As i understand it, for now the only way to link the different releases together is through the Cinema world.
So, how should we do it?
Different editions in the Title Field and use the More Title Field to connect to Cinema world.
Or an Edition Field and Original Title Field added to the sub form?
An Edition Field with free text would be great, cause there are several different editions out there.
Original Titles Field would link the different releases together without using the More Titles Field. And adding foreign Titles to Cinema world won't link them together anyway. (so what's the point of adding them there).
Thanx for reading this and feel free to comment! (if you have any better idea).
(by the way, is there any Mods or Admins that are looking in on those worlds?
There are so much fault with the use of . and : and - and • or the lack of it for adding the subtitle to a single release or a Box Set.
Or do you just fix things by request?)